Khatme nabuwat and Qadiyaniat

What is Khatme Nubuwwat?

Khatme Nubuwwat means that Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the Last of the Prophets. The process and routine of appointing Prophets and Messengers by Almighty Allah has been terminated, finished, ended, stopped, and sealed. None will be appointed as prophet after Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H). His prophethood will continue until the judgement day and the day after, only that person can claim to be a Muslim who believes in Khatme Nubuwwat and confesses

"Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is not the father of any men among you, but he is the Messenger of ALLAH and the last of the Prophets; and ALLAH is aware of all things". (Quran, Al-Ahzab 33:40)"

What is Qadiyanism (or so-called Ahmadiya)?

Qadiyanism is a movement started in a town called Qadiyan in India by a man called Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1839 - 1908). Initially, he declared himself as a Muslim writer; then he announced himself as a revivalist (Mujaddid); in 1891, he claimed to be the Promised Mehdi and the Promised Messiah; and in 1901, he proclaimed himself a prophet of God! In 1914 a split took place in the Qadiyani group with the accession of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, the 2nd successor; over definitions of doctrines forming the mainstream of Qadiani group. They are respectively known as Qadiani and Lahori sects. Both Qadianis group fraudulently claim to be one of the Muslim sects but infact they are unrighteous cult, kafir and non-muslim. Mirza Ghulam Qadiyani died on 26th May 1908 in Lahore (Pakistan) through illness being a victim of cholera. Mirza Ghulam was buried in a village of Qadiyan.

Khatm-e-Nabuwwat(SalAllahualihewaSallam) aur Fitna e Qadianiat
7 September 1975 is a day of great importance in the history of Pakistan. On this day, the National Assembly acting as a representative of the people of Pakistan declared QADIANIS as Non-Muslims and since then they are considered as a Non-Muslim minority


The Holy Prophet (SalAllahuAlaiheWasallam) is the last Prophet sent by Allah Ta’ala. The Muslim Ummah has IJMA’ (Complete Consensus) over the issue.

The Holy Quran elaborates the concept in the following way :
 "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things."
(Holy Quran, 33:40)

The Holy Prophet (SalAllahuAlaiheWasallam) himself clearified the meaning of Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen on several occasions. Some of the Ahadees are quoted below:

1)Line of Prophethood Terminated
“From Abu Huraira, (Allah be pleased with him): Allah’s messenger Muhammad(SAW) said: “I have been bestowed with excellence over (other) Prophets in six respects: (1) I have been gifted with comprehensive words, (2) I have been helped through awe (being put in the hearts of enemies) (3) spoils have been made lawful to me, (4) the whole earth turned into a mosque for me and a means of purification, (5) I have been ordained as the Prophet for all humanity, and (6) the line of the Prophets has been terminated with me”.
(Sahih Muslim, Vol.1, p.199, Mishkat, p.512)

2) “From Abu Huraira, (Allah be pleased with him): Allah’s messenger(SAW) said:
“Certainly my example and the example of prophets earlier than me is like the example of a palace most elegant and most beautiful constructed by a person except (that he left in it) a blank space for a brick in one of its corners and that made the people (who were) going around it wonder (at its marvellousness) and exclaimed (in perplexion): “Why not is this brick inlaid in here!” The Prophet(SAW) said, “I am that (corner’s last) brick and I am the last of the prophets”.
Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, p.501 & Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2, p.248

3) If There Were To Be A Prophet It Would Have Been Umar(RA)
It is narrated by Uqba bin Aamer, (Allah be pleased with him) that Allah’s Messenger Muhammad(SAW) said, “If there could ever be a prophet after me, indeed Umar bin Khattab would have been such”.
(Tirmizi, Vol. 2, p.209)
It stands proved in the above written lines that (1) the Holy Quran, (2) unbroken chain of "Mutawatir" Ahadith, and (3) Consensus of the Muslim Ummah vouch that the holy Prophet Muhammad(SAW) was the terminator of the entire chain of Prophets with no exception (peace be upon them). Therefore no person after Him (SalAllahuAlaiheWaSallam) can be called a prophet in any meaning or sense.Consequently, he who does so or tries to do so or if anybody believes in the prophethood of that claimant, then such a person is a cast off from the fold of Islam.

After the war of independene in 1857, the British gave birth to many Fitnah’s to disintegrate the Muslims. One of them was Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani; he claimed to be a Nabi but the truthness in Khatm-e-Nabuwwat proved him wrong and his life and death were a speaking proof of his lies.

Following is a brief description of this FITNAH

Vahi upon Mirza
He wrote:
“This week, some of the verses revealed upon me were in English and I sought their meaning from a Hindu boy but were not satisfactory”
(Maktoobat-e-Ahmediya, Part 1, Page-68)

It is noticeable that he was the first Nabi upon whom the Vahi was in English and he could not understand it himself but needed the assistance of a Kaafir.

Mirza’s Courage and Bravery
In August 1897, Dr. Martin Clarke filed a case against Mirza alledging that he published such Ilhamat which became  personal attacks uon Certain people. Therefore Mirza, so called Nabi (fearfull  of a Kafir), apologized and agreed not to publish such Ilhamat in future
(Tirayaaq-ul-Quloob, Pg 130)

It is questionable whether a Nabi can stop announcing  Ilhamat from the fear of a Kafir

Mirza’s Loyalty towards Kuffar

Helping the Kuffar who are a curse for Muslims is Haram in Islam.But Mirza wrote:
“English government is a blessing for you and is your leader made by God”
(Tableeg-e-Rislaalat,Part10, Pg123)
“I have been emphasizing in my books for the last 16 years that Muslims and Hindus are obliged to accept the government and Jihad is Haram”
(Ishtihar 10 Dec 1974)

Mirza’s Death

The death of a Prophet is always a blessing for the Ummah but Mirza’s death became a question mark for his followers because he wrote in (Ishtihaar Banaam Tabsara,1907) that if I am a lier
            1) I may die before Molvi Sanaullah Amritsari
            2) I may die in an epidemic disease such as plague or diarrhea
Both the conditions were fulfilled and he died of diarrhea

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