Surah Fatiha.....Translation

Surah 1. Al Fateha

Surah 1. Al Fateha (The Opener- of hearts)
Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
  1. In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful,
  2. Praise1 be to Allah, the Rabb2 of all the Universes3,
  3. The Compassionate4, the Merciful5,
  4. Sovereign of the Day of Judgment6.
  5. You alone do we worship7 (serve) and You alone do we ask for help;
  6. Guide us to the Straight Path8,
  7. The path of those upon whom you bestowed Your Grace,
    Not those who incurred Your wrath9,
    And who went astray10.
    1. Praise, in the English language,  is a general term whereas the Quranic term Al Hamd is specific and is reserved only for the praise of Allah. There is no corresponding word in the English language.
    2. Rabb is a comprehensive term that means Creator, Sustainer and Cherisher.
    3. The Quranic word Alameen is usually translated as “the worlds”…..physical, emotional, psychological. However, there are  worlds besides our own in the 2 billion galaxies that we know of.  There are other universes and other life forms as well.  The Qur’an specifically mentions jinns. Hence, “Universes” is a more appropriate translation for “Alameen”.
    4. The Arabic term Al Rahman is the most intensive form of compassion. Allah is the Source of Compassion, Mercy and Love.
    5. Al Raheem means the Disposer of Mercy, translated here succinctly as The Merciful.
    6. Deen is a powerful term that means Command, Judgment, Way of Life, Moral Code, Faith. In this context it is translated as Judgment.
    7. The Qur’anic word ‘Abd connotes both worship and service.
    8. The Straight Path, Siratul Mustaqeem is the path established by Divine Commandments.
    9. Many a civilization throughout history has been obliterated for violating Divine Laws. The example of the people of Noah, who were drowned for their transgressions, is offered time and again in the Quran.
    10. The disbelievers are caught up in never ending arguments of before and after, cause and effect, axiom and deduction, and are lost in circles of disbelief.

Surah 2. Surah al Baqara (The Heifer)

Surah 2. Al Baqara (The Heifer)
Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
  1. Alif  Lam  Meem.
  2. That is the Book
    There is no ambiguity in it—
    A Guidance for those
    Who are conscious of Divine presence,
  3. Who believe in what is beyond perception,
    And establish prayer,
    And from what sustenance We provide them,
    They set some aside (in charity);
  4. And those who have certainty of faith
    In what We have revealed to you,
    And what We revealed to those before you,
    And those who have faith in the hereafter.
  5. For them, there is guidance from their Rabb,
    And they are among those who attain felicity.
  6. Indeed, as for those who conceal the Truth,
    It makes no difference
    Whether you warn them or not;
    They will not believe.
  7. Allah has sealed their hearts,
    (Closed) their hearing,
    And on their eyes there is a membrane (a veil);
    And upon them is a great punishment.
  8. Lo! Among humankind
    Are those who claim
    That they believe in Allah and the Last Day,
    But do not have certainty of faith.
  9. They (seek to) deceive
    Allah and the believers;
    They deceive not anyone but themselves—
    They just do not comprehend!
  10. In their hearts is a disease.
    Then Allah increases their disease,
    And for them, there is a painful punishment,
    For what they deny.
  11. When they are asked
    Not to cause dissention and rancor on earth,
    They say: “We are indeed peace makers!”
  12. No! It is indeed they
    Who are mischief makers,
    But they realize it not.
  13. And when it is asked of them:
    “Believe as do the people who believe”,
    They say: “Shall we believe
    Like the fools who believe?”
    No, it is indeed they who are the foolish ones,
    But they comprehend it not.
  14. And when they are with the believers,
    They declare: “We believe!”
    But when they leave (the believers)
    And are with the mischief makers,
    They proclaim: “We are with you—
    We were only mocking (the believers).”
  15. Allah will ratchet back their mockery;
    And give them latitude
    So that they become blind
    In their transgression.
  16. These are the ones
    Who have traded guidance for ignorance.
    But their trade will not benefit them
    And they will find no guidance.
  17. Their similitude is that of one
    Who has lit a fire;
    When it envelops him all around,
    Allah takes away his sight
    And hurls him into darkness
    So that he cannot see (and is consumed by the fire).
  18. Deaf, dumb and blind,
    They cannot escape (the fire).
  19. Or, like a heavy downpour from the heavens,
    In which there is darkness,
    And thunder and lightning.
    They thrust their fingers in their ears,
    Terrified by the prospect of death.
    Lo! Allah surrounds the disbelievers
    All around (many times over)!
  20. The flash of lightning takes away their sight.
    Each time there is light,
    They move forward.
    And when there is darkness,
    They stay motionless.
    If it was the Will of Allah,
    He would take away their hearing
    And their sight.
    Indeed, Allah has power over all things!
  21. O humankind! Worship (and serve) your Rabb,
    Who created you
    And those before you,
    So that you become conscious of the Divine.
  22. He it is who spread out the earth for you,
    And raised up the heavens (like a covering)
    And poured down rain from the skies
    And brought forth fruit from it for you to eat.
    Therefore, do not ascribe partners to Allah,
    When you have been informed.
  23. And if you have any doubts
    Regarding what We have revealed to Our Servant,
    Produce a Surah (verse) like it
    And call to witness (as judge)
    Anyone besides Allah,
    If you are truthful!
  24. And if you cannot,
    And for sure you cannot,
    Be aware of the blazing Fire
    Whose fuel are men and material (rocks),
    Awaiting the disbelievers.
  25. And give glad tidings
    To those who have certainty of faith
    And perform righteous deeds.
    Awaiting them are Gardens of bliss
    Beneath which flow rivers (of Divine grace).
    Whatever sustenance (from Divine presence)
    And fruits (from Divine munificence)
    They receive therein,
    They will say: “Ah! This is what
    We delighted in before!”
    And they will be served (delights) similar to it,
    With them will be companions of (heavenly) purity,
    And they will dwell therein forever.
  26. Verily, Allah does not shy away
    From offering a similitude,
    That is (small as) small as a mosquito or what is above it (the microbe that lives on the back of a mosquito).
    Then, those who have certainty of faith
    Recognize that it is the Truth from their Rabb.
    But those who disbelieve say:
    “What does Allah mean by this similitude?”
    Thus are many led astray,
    And many are guided;
    And they are not led astray,
    Except those who are rebellious.
  27. Those who break their promise to Allah
    After they have entered into a covenant (with Him),
    And violate the commandments
    That Allah has decreed them to keep,
    And spread mischief on earth—
    They are the ones who are the losers.
  28. How can you deny Allah
    When (you know) you were dead
    And He gave you life?
    Again, you shall die
    And shall be raised up,
    And you shall return to Him.
  29. He it is who created for you whatever is on earth,
    Then He turned to the sky
    And organized it into seven heavens,
    And He is the Knower of all things.
  30. When your Rabb said to the Angels:
    “I shall indeed place on earth a Trustee”,
    They submitted: “Will you create one
    Who will make mischief and shed blood,
    While we extol You, praise You, and sanctify You?”
    Said (the Creator): “I know what you know not!”
  31. And He taught Adam all the Names,
    Then He asked the angels:
    Tell me these Names if you are truthful.
  32. They said: “Glorified are You!
    We have no knowledge
    Except what You have taught us.
    Indeed, You are the Knower, the Wise!”
  33. He said: ” O Adam! Tell them the Names.”
    When he had informed them of the Names,
    (Allah) said: “Did I not tell you
    That I do indeed know
    What is beyond your perception
    In the heavens and the earth?
    And I know what you reveal and what you conceal.”
  34. And when We commanded the angels
    To prostrate before Adam,
    They prostrated, except Iblis.
    He refused and was arrogant,
    And he was of the disbelievers.
  35. And We said: “O Adam!
    Live in the Garden of bliss with your spouse,
    And you both eat from it at your pleasure—
    Wherever you wish—
    But do not go near this tree,
    Lest you both become transgressors.”
  36. Then did Satan cause them to fall therefrom,
    And had them thrown out from where they were,
    And We said to them:
    “Descend from here,
    With enmity between one another!
    And on earth shall be your abode,
    For a time ordained.”
  37. Then Adam learned the Words (the Commands)
    From his Rabb,
    So He turned to him in forgiveness.
    Indeed, He is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  38. We said: “Descend from here all of you!
    When My guidance reaches you,
    Then, those who follow My guidance
    Shall have no fear,
    Nor shall they grieve.
  39. Those who disbelieve
    And make a lie out of Our Signs,
    Such are the ones who are companions of the Fire—
    They shall dwell therein forever.”
  40. O children of Israel!
    Recall the blessings that I bestowed upon you,
    And keep the covenant you made with Me,
    As I have kept the covenant I made with you,
    And fear Me alone!
  41. And believe in what I have sent down,
    Confirming what is with you,
    And be not the first ones to reject it.
    Sell not My Signs for a paltry sum,
    And be conscious of Me alone!
  42. And do not mix the Truth with falsehood
    And hide not the Truth,
    When you are in the know.
  43. And establish prayer,
    And give charity,
    And bow down with those who bow down.
  44. Do you invite others towards righteousness
    While forgetting it yourselves?
    And you read the book?
    Why then do you not comprehend?
  45. And seek help with patience and prayer;
    It is indeed a mighty (burden)
    Except for the humble—
  46. Such as those who are certain
    That they shall meet their Rabb,
    And that towards Him is their return.
  47. O children of Israel!
    Recall My blessings that I blessed you with,
    And I did indeed favor you over all the worlds;
  48. And be conscious of the Day
    When no soul shall bear the burden of another,
    When no intercession shall be accepted,
    When there shall be no bargain with justice,
    And none shall help them.
  49. And (recall) When We delivered you
    From the people of the Pharaoh,
    Who tortured you,
    Slaughtered your sons
    And possessed your daughters (in slavery).
    In that was a test for you
    From your Rabb, supreme.
  50. And We split the Sea for you,
    And We gave you deliverance,
    And We drowned the people of the Pharaoh—
    While you looked on.
  51. And when we invited Moses for forty nights,
    You took to the worship of the (golden) calf;
    You were indeed transgressors.
  52. Even so, We forgave you
    So that you might be grateful.
  53. And We gave Moses the Book and the Criterion
    So that you might be guided.
  54. And when Moses said to his people:
    “O my people!
    You have indeed oppressed your own souls
    By taking the calf for worship.
    So, turn to your Lord with repentance
    And slaughter your (evil) egos;
    That is better for you with your Rabb,
    So He accepted your repentance.
    Indeed, He is the Forgiver, Merciful.
  55. And when you said: “O Moses!
    We will not believe you
    Until Allah reveals Himself to us”,
    There shot forth a brilliant flash of lightening
    And you were a witness to it.
  56. Then We brought you to life,
    After you were (spiritually) dead,
    So that you might be grateful.
  57. We lowered upon you clouds (of mercy)
    And sent down manna and quails
    So that you may eat wholesome food,
    Which We provided for you.
    And they did not harm Us,
    But they inflicted harm upon their own souls.
  58. And We said: “Enter this city,
    And eat whatever you want,
    But enter the gates with utmost humility
    (prostrating before Allah),
    And say: ‘Forgive us!’
    So that We may forgive your sins,
    And increase Our rewards
    For those who do good.”
  59. But the wrong doers changed the words
    That were said to them
    For something else;
    Thereupon, We brought down punishment
    From the heavens,
    Because they were disobedient.
  60. And when Moses prayed for water for his people,
    We told him: “Strike the rock with your staff.”
    There gushed forth twelve springs
    And each tribe knew its place for water.
    (And We commanded) “Eat and drink
    From the provisions of Allah
    But do not commit wrong
    Nor cause mischief on earth.”
  61. And, when you said to Moses:
    “We are tired of eating the same food.
    Ask from your Rabb to bring forth for us
    What the earth grows—
    Herbs, cucumber, wheat, lentils and onions.”
    He asked: “Do you wish to substitute an inferior food
    For one that benefits you more?
    Then go back to Egypt,
    You will indeed find what you ask.”
    So, misery and poverty descended on them
    And they invited (upon themselves) the wrath of Allah.
    That happened because they denied the Signs of Allah
    And killed the Messengers unjustly,
    That (happened because of) what they defied,
    And they exceeded the limits of justice.
  62. Indeed,
    Those who have certainty of faith (in Allah),
    And the Jews, the Christians and the Sabians,
    Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day
    And perform righteous deeds,
    For them is a reward from their Rabb—
    No fear shall they have,
    And they shall not grieve.
  63. And We took a covenant from you
    And raised up for you the Mount of Sinai;
    ” Hold on fast to what We have given you
    And remember what is therein
    So that you become conscious of the Divine.”
  64. Then, you turned away after that.
    Were it not for the favor of Allah upon you,
    And His mercy,
    You would certainly be lost.
  65. Verily, you remember those among you
    Who broke the Sabbath.
    So, We told them:”Be you dishonored apes!”
  66. We made their fate a frightful example
    For those who were their contemporaries
    And those after them,
    And a lesson for those
    Who are conscious of the Divine.
  67. And when Moses said to his people:
    “Behold! Allah does indeed command you
    To sacrifice a heifer”,
    They replied: “Are you jesting with us?”
    He said: “I seek protection in Allah
    Lest I become one of the ignorant.”
  68. They said: “Ask your Rabb
    To clarify for us what it (the heifer) is.”
    He (Moses) said:” (My Rabb) does indeed say
    That the heifer should neither be too old
    Nor too young;
    It should be of an age in between.
    Now, do what you are commanded to do.”
  69. They said: “Beseech your Rabb
    To tell us what color it should be.”
    He said: “(My Rabb) does indeed say
    That the heifer be yellow,
    Of a color appealing to those who see it.”
  70. They said: “Implore your Rabb
    To clarify (further) for us what it is.
    We still have doubts about the heifer.
    If Allah wills it,
    We will receive comprehensive guidance.”
  71. (Moses) said: “He (Allah) does indeed command
    That the heifer be one that has not been put to work,
    Or used for plowing the land or for drawing water,
    Sound, without blemish.”
    They said: “Now you have brought the truth.”
    They slaughtered the heifer
    But it appeared they were not inclined to do it.
  72. And when you murdered a man,
    And accused each other of it,
    Allah made manifest what you were hiding.
  73. And We said: “Strike him (the dead body)
    With a portion of it (the heifer);
    It is thus that Allah gives life to the dead.
    And He shows you these Signs
    So that you may reason.”
  74. Then, hardened were your hearts after that,
    Like stones, or even harder.
    Indeed, there are some stones
    From which streams gush forth.
    There are even some stones that split,
    And from them issues forth water;
    And some of them fall down from fear of Allah.
    And Allah is not unmindful of what you do.
  75. Can you still be satisfied
    That they will listen to you?
    There is among them a group
    That hears the Words of Allah,
    Then alters them after what they had understood of it,
    And they do so with full knowledge
    Of what they are doing.
  76. When they are in the company of the believers,
    They declare that they also believe.
    When they are alone they say to one another:
    “Do you tell them what Allah has revealed only to you
    So that they can argue with you before your Rabb?
    Do you have no sense?”
  77. Do they not comprehend
    That Allah does indeed know
    What they conceal and what they reveal?
  78. Among them are unlettered ones
    Who have not studied the book
    Except what they hear;
    They but engage in guesswork.
  79. So, woe to them who write the Book
    With their own hands,
    And then claim that it is from Allah,
    And earn a paltry sum so doing.
    Woe to them from what they write with their hands,
    And woe to them from what they earn.
  80. And they say:”The Fire will not touch us
    Except for a few numbered days.”
    Ask them: “Have you made a covenant with Allah?
    In that case, Allah will not abrogate His covenant.
    Or, do you ascribe to Allah
    What you just do not know?”
  81. Nay! Whoever has accumulated sins,
    And his sins have overwhelmed him;
    It is such as they who shall be
    Companions of the Fire,
    Therein to dwell forever.
  82. And those who have certainty of faith
    And perform righteous deeds,
    They are the companions of the Garden;
    They shall dwell therein for ever.
  83. And (recall) when We took a covenant
    From the Israelites:
    Worship none but Allah,
    And treat your parents with the utmost kindness,
    And the kin, and the orphans, and the needy,
    And speak to people with utmost benevolence,
    And establish prayer, and give charity.
    Thereafter, you turned away,
    Except a few among yo, seeking excuses.
  84. And (recall) when We took a covenant from you:
    “Do not shed blood among yourselves,
    And do not drive away
    Your own people from their homes.”
    You took the oath and you were witness to it.
  85. Thereafter, you engaged in mutual slaughter,
    And drove away some of your own people
    From their homes,
    Forming an alliance against them with their enemies—
    Wrongfully and unjustly—
    And if they were brought to you as prisoners (of war)
    You would ransom them
    Whereas it was forbidden for you
    To expel them (from their homes in the first place).
    Is it that you believe in one portion of the Book
    And deny another?
    What then should be the punishment
    For some among you who engage in such deeds
    Except dishonor in the life of this world?
    And on the Day of Judgment
    They shall receive the most intense punishment,
    And Allah is not unmindful of what you do.
  86. Such are the ones
    Who bargain away the Hereafter
    For the life of this world;
    Their punishment shall not be lessened
    Nor shall any help reach them.
  87. Behold! We gave Moses the Book
    And sent Messengers after him, one after another.
    And We gave Jesus, son of Mary, manifest Signs,
    And reinforced him with the Holy Spirit.
    Whenever a Messenger came to you
    Whom you did not like,
    You were arrogant;
    And you rejected some of them,
    While others you slay.
  88. And they say: “Our hearts are covered
    (with Divine knowledge).”
    No! The repudiation of Allah was upon them
    For their rejection,
    Except for a few who had certainty of faith.
  89. And whenever a Book reached them from Allah
    Confirming what was with them,
    In years bygone they would use it
    To win over the disbelievers.
    But when (the Message) reached them
    Which they recognized,
    They rejected it.
    So, the rejection of Allah is upon the disbelievers.
  90. Ruinous is it
    That they sold their souls for falsehood,
    Denying that which has come down from Allah,
    Rebellious that Allah would bestow His Grace
    Upon whom He will of His servants.
    So they brought upon themselves
    Calamity after calamity.
    Shameful is the punishment for those
    Who reject the Truth!
  91. And when they are asked to believe
    In what Allah has revealed,
    They say: “We believe
    In what has been revealed to us”,
    And they deny everything else,
    Even though it is the Truth,
    Confirming what is with them.
    Say: If you are among the believers,
    Why did you kill the prophets
    Who came in earlier times?
  92. And verily, Moses came to you with clear Signs.
    Even so, you took to (the worship of)
    The (golden) calf after it,
    Indeed, you are transgressors.
  93. And (recall) when We took a covenant from you,
    And honored you with Mount Sinai,
    (Commanding you to) hold fast
    To what We bestowed on you
    And listen (to the Commandments of Allah).
    You replied: “We hear but we are unable to obey.”
    (lit: we waive it off).
    Their hearts were drunk with (worship of)
    The (golden) calf
    And steeped in the darkness of disbelief.
    Say: “Does your belief command you
    Such wretched deeds
    If you have certainty of faith?”
  94. Say: “If you have a home in the hereafter
    Granted exclusively to you by Allah
    In preference to the rest of humankind,
    Then desire death if you are truthful.”
  95. But they will never desire (death)
    Because of what their hands have sent forth
    Ahead of them.
    Indeed, Allah has full knowledge of the transgressors.
  96. And you will indeed find them
    More greedy for this life
    Than other people,
    Even more so than those
    Who associate deities with Allah;
    Every one of them would love to have a life
    Of a thousand years.
    However, even if they receive such a long life,
    They cannot escape their punishment.
    Indeed, Allah is the Seer of all that they do.
  97. Say: “Who is it that is an enemy to Gabriel?
    For it is he who infused the Quran into your heart
    By the command of Allah
    Confirming that which was revealed before it
    And providing guidance and good tidings
    To the believers.
  98. Whoever is an enemy of Allah and the angels,
    And the Messengers and of Gabriel and Mikael,
    Then (be warned) that indeed Allah is the foe
    Of those who conceal the Truth.”
  99. Behold! We have revealed unto you Signs manifest,
    And none rejects them except those
    Who break their bond (with Allah).
  100. What! Whenever they make a covenant,
    A group among them rejects it.
    Nay! Most of them have no certainty of faith!
  101. Whenever there came to them
    A Messenger from Allah
    Confirming what was with them,
    Some among those who had received the Book
    Hid the Book of Allah behind their backs,
    As if they were unaware of it.
  102. And they followed what the devils used to say
    During the reign of Solomon.
    Solomon did not hide the Truth
    But it was the devils who hid it,
    And taught people sorcery (deception),
    And that which was revealed
    To the two angels of Babel— Harut and Marut,
    (Even though the angels) did not teach it to anyone
    Without first saying:
    “Indeed, we are but a test; so do not disbelieve!”
    They (the disbelievers) listened
    To what the two (angels) said,
    And they sowed dissension between man and wife.
    But they harmed no one except as Allah willed,
    And they learned what was harmful
    And was of no benefit to them,
    Even though they were well aware
    That whoever was engaged in such a profession
    Shall have no recompense in the hereafter.
    Alas! If only they knew (the harm they caused)
    Their own souls by this trade!
  103. Alas! If only they knew
    That if they had certainty of faith
    And were conscious of the Divine,
    They would earn the pleasure of Allah.
  104. O you who believe!
    Do not say “our shepherd”,
    Say “look at us” (as the sun looks at a sunflower)
    And listen.
    Painful is the punishment
    For those who reject the Truth.
  105. Neither the disbelievers
    Among the people of the Book,
    Nor those who associate gods with God
    Desire that anything good be revealed to you
    From your Rabb.
    Allah reveals (His Word) from His Mercy
    To whom He pleases.
    Indeed, Allah is the Benefactor, Supreme.
  106. When We abrogate a Sign (from earlier Revelations)
    Or cause it to be forgotten,
    We bring one that is better
    Or one similar to it.
    Do you not know
    That Allah has power over all things?
  107. Do you not know that Allah is the One
    To Whom belongs the dominion
    Of the heavens and the earth,
    And that you have no protector nor helper
    Except Allah?
  108. Is it your intent
    That you question your Messenger
    As Moses was questioned in earlier times?
    He who has exchanged unbelief for belief
    Has indeed strayed from the right path.
  109. Many among the people of the Book
    Would love to see you revert to unbelief
    After you have believed.
    Their souls are swayed by jealousy
    Even after the Truth has been made manifest to them.
    Forgive them and disregard them,
    Until there comes to pass the Decree of Allah.
    Indeed, Allah has power over all affairs.
  110. And establish prayer and give charity.
    And whatever good you send forth before you,
    You will find it in the presence of Allah.
    Indeed, Allah is the Seer of what you do.
  111. And they say: “None shall enter the Garden
    Except a Jew or a Christian.”
    These are futile desires.
    Say: ” Produce your evidence (for these ideas)
    If you are truthful!”
  112. No! One who has surrendered his existence to Allah
    And is of the most beautiful conduct,
    Then, for such a one, there is reward from his Rabb;
    No fear shall there be upon him
    And he shall not grieve.
  113. The Jews says:
    “The Christians have no basis for their position,”
    And the Christians say:
    “The Jews have no basis for their position.”
    And they (both) recite the Book.
    That is how those who have no knowledge
    Respond to what is said to them.
    So, Allah will decide between them
    On the Day of Judgment
    About what they disagree.
  114. Who is a greater oppressor
    Than one who forbids people
    From entering places of worship to recite His Name,
    And who makes a determined effort to ruin them?
    It was not appropriate that such people
    Should enter therein except in fear.
    They are dishonored in this world,
    And for them there is a great punishment
    In the hereafter.
  115. And to Allah belong the East and the West.
    No matter which direction you turn,
    You encounter the existence of Allah.
    Indeed, Allah is the Knower, without bounds.
  116. And they say Allah has a son.
    Glory be to Him!
    No! Whatever is in the heavens and the earth is His;
    They all obey His will.
  117. (He it is Who is) The originator
    Of the heavens and the earth.
    When He decrees an act,
    He commands: Be! And it is! (It was!)
  118. And those without knowledge say:
    Why does Allah not speak to us (directly)
    Or why does a Sign not come to us?
    Such was also the talk of those before them;
    Similar were their hearts.
    Lo! We have made manifest Our Signs
    For a people who have certainty of faith.
  119. Indeed, We have sent you
    With the Truth ( O Muhammad!),
    As a harbinger of good news and as a Warner,
    And you will not be queried about the people
    (destined) for Hell.
  120. Never will the Jews be satisfied with you,
    And neither will the Christians,
    Until you conform to their religious communities.
    Say: Verily, the guidance from Allah—that is guidance!
    If you follow their desires,
    After there has come to you (revealed) knowledge,
    You shall have no protector from Allah nor friend.
  121. Those who read the Book We gave them
    As it should be read,
    They will believe in it.
    And those who reject it,
    It is they who are the losers.
  122. O children of Israel!
    Recall the blessings that I blessed you with,
    And that I favored you over all the worlds.
  123. And be conscious of the Day
    When no soul can help another,
    And no compensation shall be accepted,
    And no intercession shall be of benefit,
    And they shall not be helped.
  124. And when Abraham was tested
    By commands from his Rabb,
    He completed them.
    He (his Rabb) said:
    I will make you an Imam for all humankind.
    He (Abraham) said: And my children, too!
    He (his Rabb) said:
    My promise is not for the transgressors.
  125. And when We made the House
    A place of gathering and peace for humankind,
    Therefore, make the station of Abraham
    Your station of prayer.
    And We made a covenant with Abraham and Ishmael
    To purify My house for those who circle around it,
    Who retreat in it and who bow down
    And prostrate in it.
  126. And when Abraham said:
    “O My Rabb! Make this land a sanctuary,
    And bestow provisions of fruit to those of its people
    Who believe in Allah and the Last Day.”
    He (his Rabb) said:
    “I shall grant respite for a brief period
    For one who disbelieved,
    Then, I shall compel him
    Towards the punishment of Hell—
    How awful a destination it is!”
  127. And when Abraham raised
    The foundation of the House,
    So did Ishmael,
    (And they prayed):
    “Our Rabb, accept from us (this service);
    Indeed You are the Hearer, the Knower.
  128. Our Rabb!
    Make us among those who surrender to You,
    And our progeny in a (spiritual) community
    That has surrendered to you,
    And show us how to worship You,
    And forgive us;
    Indeed, you are the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  129. Our Rabb! Send for them a Messenger
    From among themselves,
    Reciting for them Your Signs,
    And teach them the Book and the Wisdom,
    And purify them.
    Indeed, You are the Mighty, the Wise.”
  130. And who will turn away
    From the (spiritual) community of Abraham
    Except one who has cheated himself,
    For behold! We have chosen him in this world,
    And indeed he will be among the righteous ones
    In the hereafter.
  131. When his Lord commanded him: ” Surrender!”
    He said: “I surrender to the Rabb of all the worlds.”
  132. And Abraham left this testament for his children,
    As did Jacob:
    “Our children! Allah has chosen for you a faith,
    Therefore, die not except as those
    Who have surrendered to Allah.”
  133. Were you present when the time came
    For Jacob’s death?
    He asked: “O my children!
    Who will you worship and serve after me?”
    They said: “We will worship (and serve)your God—
    The God of your forefathers Abraham, Ishmael
    And Isaac–the One God,
    And we are among those who have surrendered.”
  134. That was an Ummah (a spiritual community)
    Which has passed on.
    To them was due what they earned
    And to you is due what you earn,
    And you will not be asked about what they did.
  135. They say:
    “Become Jews or Christians
    And you will receive guidance.”
    Tell them:
    “No! (We are) in the (spiritual) community of Abraham,
    (Who was) a Hanif (person of profound spiritual insight)
    And was not one to associate partners with Allah.”
  136. Declare: “We believe in Allah
    And what has been revealed to us,
    And what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael,
    And Isaac and Jacob,
    And to their progeny,
    And what was granted to Moses,
    And Jesus,
    And what was granted to the Prophets from their Rabb.
    We make no distinction between any one of them
    And we are among those who have surrendered.”
  137. Then, whosoever believes as you have believed
    Will truly find guidance;
    And whosoever turns away,
    Is indeed recalcitrant.
    In which case,
    Allah shall be sufficient for you against them,
    And He is the Hearer, the Knower.
  138. (Say) “We resonate to the wavelengths from Allah
    (lit: we take on the colors from Allah),
    And what attributes are more sublime
    (what colors are more blissful)
    Than the ones from Allah?
    And we are His dedicated servants.”
  139. Say: “Do you argue with us about Allah
    Who is our Rabb as well as yours?
    To us are our deeds, and to you are yours.
    And we are about Him sincere.”
  140. Or, do you claim that Abraham and Ishmael,
    And Isaac and Jacob,
    And their children were Jews or Christians?
    Say: “Are you more knowledgeable or Allah?
    And who is a greater transgressor than the one
    Who conceals evidence from Allah?
    Indeed, Allah is not unaware of what you do.
  141. It was a community that has passed on—
    For it, what it earned;
    And for you what you earn.
  142. The foolish ones among people say:
    “What made you turn away
    From the direction you used to face?”
    Say: “To Allah belongs the East and the West.
    Allah guides who He will to the path that is straight.”
  143. And that is how We have made you
    A (spiritual) community,
    Balanced (avoiding extremes),
    So that you be a witness over all humankind,
    And the Messenger, a witness over you.
    And We prescribed not
    The Qibla (the direction of prayer) for you
    Except to determine who followed the Messenger
    And who turned on his heels.
    It was indeed a mighty (test)
    Except for those who followed the guidance from Allah.
    Allah was not disposed to make you lose your belief;
    Indeed, Allah is towards all humankind,
    Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.
  144. We see your face (your existence) turn repeatedly
    Towards the heavens (for guidance).
    Lo! We shall turn you towards the Qibla
    With which you are in consonance;
    So, turn your face
    In the direction of the Masjid al Haram (in Mecca).
    No matter where you are, turn your face towards it.
    And verily, those who have received the Book
    Recognize that this is the Truth from their Rabb;
    And Allah is not unaware of what you do.
  145. Even if you show all the Signs
    To those who have previously received the Book,
    They will not follow your Qibla.
    And you are not one to face the direction of their Qibla.
    And none among them will accept the Qibla of the others.
    And if you follow their desires
    After you have been granted knowledge,
    You will indeed be among the transgressors.
  146. Those to whom We have given the Book
    Recognize this
    As they recognize their own children.
    Even so, a group among them
    Does indeed conceal the Truth,
    And they know it.
  147. The Truth is from your Rabb.
    Therefore, do not be among those
    Who have doubts about it.
  148. To each one is a goal towards which he turns,
    So take the initiative towards good.
    Wherever you hide, Allah will gather you all together.
    Indeed, Allah has power over all things.
  149. And, no matter where you come from,
    Turn your face towards Masjid al Haram.
    Indeed, this is the Truth from your Rabb,
    And Allah is not unaware of what you do.
  150. And, no matter where you come from,
    Turn your face towards Masjid al Haram.
    And wherever you are, turn your face in that direction
    So that there is no argument left
    With the people (who are) against you,
    Except those among them who are transgressors.
    So, fear them not but fear Me!
    So that I may complete My favors upon you,
    And you receive guidance.
  151. As We have sent to you
    A Messenger from among yourselves,
    Who rehearses Our Signs to you,
    And purifies you (purifies your souls),
    And teaches you the Book and the Wisdom,
    And teaches you what you did not know.
  152. So remember Me, and I shall remember you!
    Be thankful to Me and do not be ungrateful.
  153. O you who believe!
    Ask for help with patience and prayer.
    Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient.
  154. And do not say
    That those who die in the way of Allah are dead.
    No! They are alive but you perceive it not.
  155. Indeed, We will try you a little
    With fear and hunger, loss of wealth and life and crops,
    But give glad tidings to those who are patient.
  156. Those who say when faced with trial:
    “Verily, we are from Allah (who created us),
    And verily, to Him is our return!”
  157. Upon them are salutations from their Lord,
    And Divine Mercy;
    And it is they who are on the path of guidance.
  158. Behold! Safa and Marwa are Signs from Allah.
    Whoever arrives at the Sanctuary for Hajj or Umrah,
    There is no blame on him if he traverses between them.
    And if one does good willingly,
    Verily, Allah is the Recognizer of gratitude, the Knower.
  159. Verily, those who hide
    What We have revealed of Our manifest Signs
    And (of Our) Guidance,
    After We have clearly explained it to humankind
    In the Book,
    It is upon such as these
    That there is the rejection from Allah,
    And those who can reject, reject them.
  160. Except such as those who repent,
    And seek reconciliation,
    And renounce openly (their errors),
    It is such as these that I forgive;
    Lo! I am the Forgiver, the Merciful!
  161. Indeed, those who deny the Truth,
    And die in a state of denial,
    Upon them is the curse of Allah
    And of the angels
    And of all humankind.
  162. They shall remain in that state for ever;
    No reduction shall be given in their punishment
    Nor shall they receive a reprieve.
  163. Your god is the One God—
    There is none worthy of worship but Him—
    The Compassionate, the Merciful.
  164. Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth,
    In the contrast between night and day,
    In the ships that sail the oceans (with merchandise)
    For the benefit of humankind;
    And, in the rain that Allah brings down from the heavens,
    And with it, gives life to a dead earth,
    And the fauna of all kinds that it spreads,
    And the winds that blow,
    And the clouds that float, captured (by the winds)
    Between the heavens and the earth,
    There are Signs for a people
    Who (observe, measure, and) reason.
  165. And yet there are among humankind those
    Who take others besides Allah as His partners,
    And love them as they should love Allah.
    But those who have certainty of faith
    Are stronger in the love of Allah.
    And if the transgressors were to see—
    When they shall see—
    They will realize that all power is with Allah;
    And that the punishment from Allah is most severe.
  166. When the leaders among them
    Will disown those who followed them,
    And they are confronted with their doom,
    And are cut off from all excuses,
  167. And those who followed will say:
    “Ah! If only we had another turn (to live on earth),
    We would certainly move away from them
    As they have moved away from us.”
    That is how Allah shall show them
    Their deeds as their own remorse,
    And they shall not escape from the Fire.
  168. O humankind!
    Eat from the earth what is permitted and is good,
    And do not follow the footsteps of Satan.
    Indeed, he is your declared enemy.
  169. Indeed, he will command you not
    But to that which is sinful and repugnant,
    And (incite you) to say about Allah
    What you have no knowledge of.
  170. And when they are asked to follow
    What Allah has revealed, they reply:
    “We will follow only what we found with our forefathers.”
    What? Even if their forefathers had no sense
    And were without guidance?
  171. And the similitude of those who deny the Truth
    Is like one who shouts after that which cannot hear,
    Except calls and shouts;
    Deaf, dumb and blind,
    They are bereft of comprehension.
  172. O you who believe!
    Eat what is wholesome from what We have provided you,
    And express your gratitude to Allah.
    If you worship (and serve) none other than Him.
  173. Forbidden to you is what is dead,
    And blood, and the meat of pigs,
    And that on which is taken (a name) other than Allah.
    Even so, if one is completely helpless,
    And is not rebellious or a transgressor,
    On him there is no blame.
    Indeed, Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  174. Indeed, those who hide
    What is revealed by Allah in the Book,
    And sell it for a small price,
    It is as if they had stuffed their stomachs
    With nothing but fire.
    Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Judgment
    Nor will He purify them,
    And upon them is a most painful punishment.
  175. They have bargained error for guidance,
    And punishment for forgiveness.
    How keen are they for the Fire!
  176. That is indeed from Allah,
    A Book sent down with the Truth.
    Indeed, those who disagree with the Book
    Are stubborn to the extreme.
  177. Righteousness is not
    That you turn towards the East or the West;
    Righteousness is to believe in Allah and the Last Day,
    The Angels and the Book and the Prophets,
    And to spend your wealth for the love of Allah,
    On your relatives and the orphans,
    The wayfarer and the indigent,
    And (to free) the slaves,
    And to establish prayer and give charity,
    To fulfill your contracts that you have entered into,
    To be patient in adversity and trials and times of conflict.
    Such are the people who are true,
    And such are the ones who are conscious of the Divine.
  178. O you who believe!
    Prescribed for you
    Is the principle of qisas (equitable recompense)
    In case of murder: a free man for a free man,
    A slave for a slave,
    A woman for a woman.
    Even so, if some relief is granted
    By the brother of the deceased,
    Then follow a practice that is noble.
    (Forgive) and accept the recompense as a good deed,
    Such is the latitude provided to you by your Rabb
    As a Divine mercy.
    Then, whoever violates the bounds of justice
    Even after this (has been made clear),
    For him, there is painful punishment.
  179. O people of intellect!
    Know that there is (preservation of) life
    In the principle of qisas
    So that you may learn consciousness of Divine presence.
  180. It is prescribed for you
    That as death approaches any of you,
    And you are leaving behind an estate,
    Then, leave a last will and testament
    For your parents and those near you,
    In accordance with the most excellent practice.
    That is a right and a responsibility
    Upon those who are aware of Divine Presence.
  181. Then, after what has been heard, if anyone alters it,
    The crime is on him.
    Indeed, Allah is the Hearer, the Knower.
  182. But if there is fear
    That the dying person has favored someone
    Or has done wrong,
    Then there is no blame
    If you arrange an equitable settlement between them.
    Indeed, Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  183. O you who believe!
    Fasting is made mandatory for you
    As it was made mandatory for those before you
    So that you become conscious of Divine presence.
  184. The days are counted;
    Then, whoever among you is ill, or is traveling,
    May complete his fasts later,
    And those who have the ability
    Should feed the indigent as a substitute;
    For, one who takes the initiative to do good,
    Then, for such a one, there is goodness,
    But if you fast,
    It is better for you,
    If you knew.
  185. The month of Ramadan is the one
    In which was revealed the Quran—
    Guidance for humankind,
    And with clear proofs for the Guidance,
    And (manifesting) the Criterion.
    Then, whoever is a witness to this month must fast;
    And whoever is sick or is traveling,
    He should make up the fasts later.
    Allah intends to make it easy for you,
    Not make it difficult for you.
    So that you complete the prescribed days,
    And (so that) you extol the Name of Allah
    For what guidance you are given,
    And you are thankful.
  186. And when My servants ask you about Me,
    (Tell them:) “I am indeed close (to them).
    I respond to the prayer
    Of the supplicant as he supplicates.
    So, let them follow My command,
    And have faith in Me,
    So that you are directed in the right way.
  187. Permitted to you on the nights of fasting
    Is relationship with your wives.
    They are your covering (your honor)
    And you are their covering;
    Allah has known
    That you used to deceive your own souls;
    So He turned to you and forgave you.
    So, you may approach them (on the nights of fasting)
    But rebel not against what Allah has prescribed for you,
    And eat and drink
    Until the white thread of dawn
    Becomes distinguishable against the darkness (of night).
    Then keep your fasts until nightfall.
    And do not consort with your wives
    While you are secluded in the mosques.
    These are the limits of Allah, so do not approach them.
    That is how Allah makes His Signs manifest for humankind;
    So that they become conscious of Divine presence.
  188. And do not squander your wealth
    Among yourselves, in false pretenses,
    Or to influence judges,
    So that you criminally devour a portion
    Of other people’s wealth,
    And you know it.
  189. They ask you about the new moons.
    Say: They are useful for fixing seasons for humankind
    And for Hajj.
    It is not piety
    That you enter your homes through the back door;
    It is piety that you be aware of Divine presence.
    Therefore, enter your homes through their doors.
    And be aware of Allah so that you attain felicity.
  190. And fight in the path of Allah those who fight you,
    But do not exceed what is just.
    Lo! Allah does not love the unjust.
  191. And fight them wherever you confront them,
    And expel them from where they have expelled you,
    Causing discord and convulsion
    Is more oppressive than murder.
    But do not fight them
    In (the precincts of) Masjid al Haram
    Unless they fight you therein.
    So, if they fight you, defend yourself.
    That is the appropriate response to the disbelievers.
  192. But if they desist,
    Then, Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  193. And fight them until there is no more mischief,
    And the command is with Allah.
    For, if they desist, then let there be no hostilities,
    Except against the oppressors.
  194. The forbidden month for the forbidden month,
    And the law of equity is for all matters that are forbidden.
    Then, if they threaten you therein,
    You respond to them commensurate with the injustice.
    Be conscious of Allah,
    And know that Allah is with those who are conscious of Him.
  195. And spend in the path of Allah
    And do not ruin yourselves with your own hands.
    Maintain the most beautiful conduct;
    Indeed, Allah is with those
    Who have the most beautiful conduct.
  196. And perform the Hajj and Umrah for the sake of Allah
    But if you are prevented,
    Then (send a gift) from what is available to you,
    And remove not your hair until the gift has reached
    Its destination.
    However, for one who is sick
    Or has a disease in the scalp,
    Then fasting or charity may be substituted.
    And whoever desires to combine the Umrah with the Hajj,
    And cannot find (a suitable gift),
    Let him fast for three days during Hajj
    And seven days after he returns (from Hajj).
    This makes it ten altogether.
    This latitude is for those
    Who have no relatives near Masjid al Haram.
    And be aware of Allah
    And know that the retribution from Allah is most intense.
  197. The months of Hajj are determined.
    Then whoever is discharging the obligation of Hajj therein,
    Let him not turn to his spouse (for conjugal relations)
    Nor engage in bad conduct or rancor during the Hajj.
    And what you do by way of good, Allah knows it.
    Prepare yourselves,
    But the best preparation is consciousness of Allah;
    So, be conscious of Me, O people of intellect!
  198. Not forbidden to you
    Is seeking the bounties of Allah (during Hajj).
    And as you approach (the plain of) Arafat,
    Then remember Allah in the sacred precincts,
    And remember Him as you have been guided,
    Since you were assuredly among those
    Who went astray in former times.
  199. Then return as other people return
    And seek forgiveness from Allah.
    Indeed, Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  200. And when you have completed the rites of Hajj,
    Recall Allah as you used to recall your forefathers,
    But recall Him with  greater fervor.
    Among humankind are those who say:
    “O our Rabb! Grant us from this world!”
    For them there is nothing in the hereafter.
  201. And among them are some who say:
    “O our Rabb! Grant us Your presence in this world
    And Your presence in the hereafter
    And protect us from the Fire!”
  202. It is they– they shall inherit what they earn.
    Indeed, Allah is swift in His reckoning!
  203. And remember Allah through the days counted;
    But if one hastens and departs in two days,
    There is no blame on him;
    And if one, a pious one, stays on,
    There is no blame on him.
    (O people!) Be conscious of Allah
    And know that He will gather you all together.
  204. And among humankind are those
    Whose conversation about the life of this world
    Enthralls you
    And he makes Allah a witness to what is in his heart;
    But he sows discord
    (Within your own souls and in the community).
  205. And when they turn (away from Allah),
    They do their utmost
    To cause discord and convulsions on earth.
    They obliterate crops
    And destroy entire races (of humankind).
    Lo! Allah does not love those
    Who cause discord and convulsions!
  206. And when they are asked to be conscious of Allah,
    Their sense of power impels them towards evil;
    Therefore, sufficient for them is Hell;
    And it is indeed a destination most awful!
  207. And among humankind is such as one
    Who sacrifices his Self
    To reach out for the pleasure of Allah.
    Lo! Allah is Most Caring towards His servants!
  208. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Enter wholeheartedly into a state of surrender,
    And do not follow the footsteps of Satan.
    Indeed, he is to you an avowed enemy!
  209. If you slide (into disbelief)
    Even after clear Signs have come down to you,
    Then know that Allah is the Mighty, the Wise.
  210. Are they waiting
    That Allah should appear before them
    In the shadows of clouds, and the angels too?
    That would settle all matters!
    Lo! To Allah return all commands.
  211. Ask the Children of Israel,
    How many Signs We showed them.
    And if one alters a gift from Allah
    After it came down to him,
    Then Allah is indeed most intense in retribution.
  212. The life of this world
    Has been made glittering
    For the disbelievers
    And they laugh at those who have certainty of faith;
    Even though it is the pious
    Who will be honored above them
    On the Day of Judgment,
    And Allah provides sustenance as He wills
    In boundless measures.
  213. Humankind was one spiritual community,
    Then Allah sent Prophets—
    Conveyers of glad tidings and Warners;
    And He sent down the Book with them in Truth
    To decide between people
    In matters (wherein) they disagreed.
    (Thereafter) there were no disagreements,
    Except among those
    Who had received the manifest Signs—
    Among them were the rebellious ones.
    Then, by His command,
    Allah guided those
    Who had certainty of faith to the Truth,
    In matters they had disagreed.
    Lo! Allah guides whom He will to the Straight Path.
  214. Do you reckon
    That you will enter the Garden (of Divine pleasure)
    When there have been (no trials) upon you
    Like the ones upon people before you?
    Great was the loss and pain they endured,
    And they were shaken to the core,
    Until the Prophet and the believers with him cried out:
    “When will the help from Allah arrive?”
    Yes, indeed! The help from Allah is very close!
  215. They ask you
    How much they should set aside in charity.
    Say: “What you spend of your wealth
    For parents and relatives and the orphans,
    And the indigent and the wayfarer,
    And whatever you do that is good,
    Allah is fully aware of it!”
  216. Fighting (to preserve your faith) is prescribed for you
    But you detest it.
    It may be that you do not like something
    That is good for you,
    And you love something that is not good for you.
    Lo! Allah is the Knower and you are without knowledge.
  217. They ask you about fighting in the forbidden month.
    Say: “Fighting in it is a great (wrong);
    But to prevent people from following the right path,
    And to disbelieve in Him,
    And (to prevent them from entering) the Masjid al Haram,
    And to expel people from it,
    Is a greater (crime) before Allah,
    And fostering discord and convulsion
    Is a greater (offense) than slaughter.
    And they will not stop fighting you
    Until they turn you away from your faith, if they can.
    And whoever among you gives up his faith,
    And dies in a state of disbelief,
    Then, it is they who have ruined their deeds
    In this world and in the hereafter;
    And it is they who are companions of the Fire;
    Therein, they shall dwell forever.
  218. Verily, those who have certainty of faith,
    And those who migrate and struggle
    In the cause of Allah,
    Such are the one who hope for Divine Grace;
    Lo! Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  219. They ask you about drinking and gambling.
    Say: “There is great harm in them
    And (some) benefit for humankind,
    But the harm is much greater than the benefit.”
    And they ask you what they should give in charity.
    Say: “Give what you do not need.”
    Thus it is that Allah makes manifest His Signs to you
    So that you ponder
  220. (About) this world and the hereafter—
    And they ask you about the orphans.
    Say: “It is virtue to help them improve their condition.
    If they reside with you, they are your brothers.
    Lo! Allah is aware of the harm (you inflict)
    As well as the help (you render).
    And if Allah so wills,
    He will put you into difficulty.
    Indeed, Allah is the Mighty, the Wise.”
  221. And do not marry women
    Who ascribe partners with God
    Until they have certainty of faith;
    A believing servant girl is preferable to a woman
    Who ascribes partners with God—
    Even if she is alluring to you.
    And do not marry men who ascribe partners with God
    Until they have certainty of faith;
    A believing servant is preferable to a man
    Who ascribes partners with God—
    Even if he captivates you.
    They invite you towards the Fire
    While Allah invites you by His command
    Towards the Garden and (towards) forgiveness;
    And He makes these Signs clear for humankind,
    So that they remember.
  222. And they ask you about menstruation.
    Say: “It is impure.
    Therefore, do not have conjugal relations
    With (your wives)
    During their period,
    And do not impose yourselves on them
    Until they have purified themselves.
    After they have purified themselves,
    Approach them as Allah has permitted you.
    Lo! Allah loves those who repent,
    And He loves those who purify themselves.”
  223. Your wives are a tilth for you,
    So visit your tilth as you deem appropriate,
    But send forth ahead of you (a good deed)
    From yourselves,
    Be Allah-conscious,
    And remember you shall indeed meet Him;
    And give this good news (of meeting Him)
    To those who have certainty of faith.
  224. And do not make
    (The Name of) Allah the target of your oaths
    So that you (avoid) doing good
    And be Allah-conscious
    And make peace between people.
    Indeed, Allah is the Hearer, the Knower.
  225. Allah does not hold you responsible
    For your false oaths
    But he will hold you responsible
    For what transpires in your hearts.
    Indeed, Allah is the Forgiver, Most Patient.
  226. For those who take an oath
    Not to have conjugal relations with their wives,
    Their wait is four months.
    Then if they make peace and get together,
    Indeed Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
  227. But if they are determined to get a divorce,
    Then lo! Allah is the Hearer, the Knower.
  228. Let the divorced women
    Wait by themselves for three months;
    And let them not hide
    What Allah has created in their wombs—
    If they believe in Allah and the Last Day.
    Their husbands have a preferable obligation
    To take them back after that (term)
    If they desire reconciliation.
    For the women (are rights)
    Similar to (responsibilities) upon them,
    In accordance with the most noble practices.
    But men have more (responsibilities)
    As compared to them (the women).
    And Allah is the Mighty, the Wise.
  229. Divorce is only twice.
    Then, (after two divorces) either dwell with them
    According to what is most noble,
    Or leave them according to what is most excellent.
    It is not lawful for you to take back anything
    That you have given them (as gifts).
    But if they are both afraid that they cannot stay
    Within the limits established by Allah,
    Then there is no blame on them
    If she ransoms (the gifts for her freedom).
    These are limits established by Allah,
    So do not violate them.
    And whosoever violates the limits established by Allah
    It is they who are the transgressors.
  230. Even so, if he divorces her (a third time),
    She is not lawful to him
    Until she is married to someone else
    And he (too) divorces her.
    Then, there is no blame on them
    If they get together again.
    And ensure
    That they will stay within the limits established by Allah.
    And these are the limits ordained by Allah
    For a people who have knowledge.
  231. When you divorce your wives,
    And as they complete their waiting period (Iddat)
    Then dwell with them with honor
    Or let them leave with honor
    And do not prevent them from leaving
    So as to harass them unjustly.
    And whoever engages in such conduct
    Has oppressed his own soul.
    Do not take the Signs of Allah as a jest
    And remember the blessings of Allah upon you
    And what He has revealed to you of the Book
    And the Wisdom
    And the admonishing therein.
    Be Allah-conscious
    And know that Allah has knowledge of all things.
  232. When you have divorced your wives,
    And they have completed their waiting period,
    Prevent them not from marrying their husbands,
    If they mutually agree in a manner most noble.
    This is the prescription for those,
    Who have certainty of faith in Allah and the Last Day—
    There is virtue, and purity in it for you.
    Indeed, Allah is the Knower
    And you are without knowledge.
  233. If the mothers are agreeable,
    They may nurse their babies for two whole years.
    This (provision) is for those (mothers)
    Who have the desire to complete the nursing;
    And upon the father is mandatory
    Her provision for food, clothes (and maintenance)
    According to what is good and honorable.
    Let there be no burden on a soul greater than it can bear,
    Let no mother suffer because of her child,
    And let no father suffer because of his child;
    And upon the inheritors is a similar (responsibility).
    Then, if the two of them, through mutual consultations,
    Decide between themselves to wean their babies
    Then there is no blame on them
    And if you desire to have your babies wet-nursed,
    There is no blame on you,
    Provided you willingly give them what is their due,
    In accordance with what is good and honorable.
    And be conscious of Allah,
    And know that Allah is the Seer of what you do!
  234. Those among you who die and leave wives behind,
    They (the wives) should keep to themselves
    For four months and ten days.
    When they have completed their waiting period,
    There is no blame on them
    If they take steps for themselves (to get married)
    In accordance with what is good and honorable.
    Lo! Allah is aware of what you do!
  235. And it is not wrong on your part
    To send a proposal for marriage to the widows
    Or to keep it to yourself.
    Allah knows that you will soon present it to them.
    But do not make promises in secret,
    Except to say something to them that is good
    (and honorable).
    And do not make a firm commitment of marriage
    Until the prescribed term has been honored,
    And know that indeed Allah knows
    What is within your souls.
    So, beware of Him!
    And know that Allah is the Forgiver, the Forbearing.
  236. There is no blame on you
    If you divorce women
    Before you have consummated the marriage
    Or given them what is their due (mahr).
    But give them a gift,
    The rich according to his ability
    And the poor according to his ability—
    A gift that is good and honorable—
    It is a responsibility upon people who do good.
  237. And if you divorce them
    Before you have consummated the marriage
    But after the mahr (the gift to the bride) is fixed,
    Then (you are obligated to pay) a half of what you fixed,
    Unless she forgives it
    Or it is forgiven by the person
    In whose hand is the marriage contract.
    And if you forgive, that is closer to piety,
    Do not forget to bestow favors upon one another.
    Indeed, Allah is the Seer of what you do.
  238. Guard your prayers,
    Especially the middle prayer
    And be steadfast, content with Allah.
  239. And if you fear (for your safety),
    Then (pray) standing up or riding.
    And when you are safe,
    Then remember Allah as you have (now) been taught,
    And of which you did not know (earlier).
  240. And those of you who die
    And leave behind spouses,
    Leave a last will and testament for your spouses;
    They are not to be turned out of their homes
    And maintenance must be provided for them for a year.
    But should they leave (on their own)
    To do what is good and honorable for themselves,
    Then, there is no blame on them.
    Lo! Allah is the Mighty, the Wise!
  241. And (it is a responsibility)
    On those who have certainty of faith
    To provide maintenance for divorced women
    According to what is best and honorable.
  242. That is how Allah shows you His Signs
    So that you reason.
  243. Did you not see (are you not aware),
    Those who left their homes in the thousands,
    Fearful of death?
    Allah said to them: “Die!
    Then He gave them life?”
    Lo! Allah is indeed
    The Disposer of Beneficence towards humankind,
    But most people are not grateful.
  244. And fight in the way of Allah (to preserve your faith),
    And know that Allah is the Hearer, the Knower.
  245. Is there anyone
    Who will give a most beautiful loan to Allah?
    Then Allah will increase it for him—
    (And) increase it without limit!
    Indeed Allah bestows and withholds,
    And to Him you shall return.
  246. Did you not see
    What happened to the Israelite leaders after Moses?
    When they said to their Prophet:
    “Appoint for us a king,
    So that we may fight in the way of Allah.”
    He replied: “Is it possible
    That fighting is prescribed for you,
    But you will not fight?”
    They said:
    “Why would we not fight in the path of Allah,
    When we and our children
    Have been expelled from our homes?”
    Thereafter, when fighting was prescribed for them,
    They turned away except a few.
    Lo! Allah knows the wrong-doers!
  247. And their Prophet said to them:
    “Allah has indeed appointed Talut (Saul) as your king.”
    They said: “How could he be our king
    When we have a greater right to be king than he,
    And he does not have the financial capability?”
    He said: “Allah has preferred him over you
    And has endowed him with greater knowledge
    And a stronger body.
    Lo! Allah bestows leadership upon who He pleases.
    Indeed, Allah is the limitless Knower.”
  248. And their Prophet said to them:
    “Verily, a Sign of his kingship is that
    There will come to you the Ark (of the Covenant)
    In which there is tranquility from your Lord,
    And whatever was left by the family of Moses
    And the family of Aaron,
    (And it is) carried by the angels.
    Indeed, in that is a Sign for you,
    If you have certainty of faith.”
  249. Then, when Talut embarked with his army,
    He said: “Allah will indeed test you by the stream.
    Then, whoever drinks thereof is not with me,
    And whoever does not taste thereof is indeed with me—
    Except a sip with the palm of his hand.”
    (Despite the warning), they drank from it,
    Except a few of them.
    Then, when they crossed it—
    He and those who believed with him—
    They said: “This day we do not have the strength
    (to face) Jalut (Goliath) and his army.”
    The more thoughtful among them
    Who reckoned they will meet Allah, said:
    “How many times has a small group
    Overcome a much larger group
    By the command of Allah?”
    Indeed, Allah is with those who have patience.
  250. And when they faced Jalut (Goliath) and his army,
    They said:
    “Our Lord! Shower us with increased patience,
    And grant us firmness of step,
    And help us against a people who deny the Truth.”
  251. And they were triumphant by the command of Allah.
    And David killed Jalut (Goliath),
    And Allah granted him kingship,
    And (endowed him with) wisdom and knowledge as He will.
    And if Allah had not controlled humankind,
    Some arrayed against the others,
    There would be turmoil on earth.
    However, Allah is the Lord of Grace for all the realms.
  252. These are the Signs of Allah
    Which We recite for you in Truth.
    And indeed, you are among the Messengers!
  253. These were the Messengers,
    To some of whom
    We granted more favors than the others.
    Among them were some who spoke to Allah,
    And some were raised up to high stations.
    And We granted Jesus, son of Mary, the Signs,
    And strengthened him with the Holy Spirit.
    And if it was the Will of Allah,
    They (who followed him)
    Would not have fought with one another,
    After there came down to them the clear Signs.
    But they disagreed;
    Some among them accepted belief and some rejected it.
    And indeed, if it was the will of Allah,
    They would not have fought;
    But Allah does what He wills.
  254. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Spend of what sustenance We have bestowed upon you,
    Before the Day comes,
    When there is no bargain, no friendship,
    And no intercession.
    As for the disbelievers—
    They are transgressors!
  255. Allah is He other than Whom there is no god—
    The Living, the Eternal;
    No sleep overtakes Him by night or by day;
    Whatever is in the heavens and in the earth is His;
    Who is there who can intercede with Him—
    Except by His permission?
    He knows what is in between before and after;
    And they shall comprehend
    Not the least of His knowledge—
    Except as He wills.
    His throne extends over the heavens and the earth
    And He tires not in guarding them.
    He is the Most High, the most Sublime!
  256. There is no compulsion in matters of faith.
    What is right stands manifest from what is wrong.
    Then, whoever rejects the untruth,
    And believes in Allah with certainty,
    He has certainly grasped a firm support
    That is indestructible.
    Lo! Allah is the Beholder, the Knower.
  257. Allah is the protector of those
    Who have the conviction of faith;
    He leads them from darkness to light.
    Those who reject faith–
    They are companions of the deceivers;
    They lead them from light into darkness;
    It is they who are the companions of Fire,
    Therein they shall dwell forever.
  258. Did you not consider (are you not aware of)
    The one who argued with Abraham about his Rabb
    (Claiming) that Allah had bestowed upon him the dominion?
    When Abraham said:
    “My Lord is He who gives life and death”,
    (The person) said: “I give life and death.”
    Abraham said: “Allah is indeed the One
    Who brings out the sun from the East
    And makes it set in the West.”
    The disbeliever was confounded.
    Lo! Allah does not guide a people who transgress!
  259. Or, like the man who was passing by a (desolate) village
    Whose roofs were in ruin.
    He said: “How can Allah bring it to life
    After it has been destroyed?”
    Allah took his life (and he was dead) for a hundred years.
    Then (Allah) resurrected him,
    (And asked him): “How long did you stay (asleep)?”
    He answered:
    “I stayed (asleep) for a day or part of a day.”
    (Allah) said: “But you stayed (asleep) a hundred years.
    Look at your food and your drink,
    Are they not spoiled?
    And look at your donkey (its body is decomposed).
    We will make you a Sign for all humankind.
    Now look at the bones,
    How we assemble them
    And how we clothe them with flesh.”
    When he had seen this, he cried out:
    “I (now) understand
    That Allah is the (owner of) Power over all things.”
  260. When Abaham asked:
    “O my Rabb!
    Show me how you give life to the dead.”
    (Allah) said: “Do you not have certainty of faith?”
    (Abraham) said:
    “Yes, indeed! But I want my heart to be satisfied.”
    (Allah) said: “In that case, bring me four birds,
    And make well their acquaintance.
    Then, place them each on a different hill and call them.
    They will fly back to you hurriedly;
    And ascertain that Allah is the Mighty, the Wise.”
  261. The similitude of those
    Who spend their wealth in the way of Allah
    Is like a grain;
    From it sprout seven shoots,
    Each shoot yielding a hundred grains.
    Allah gives an increase as He wills.
    Indeed, Allah is the all-embracing Knower.
  262. Those who give charity in the way of Allah,
    And do not reproach (the receiver) about their charity,
    Or (inflict) hurt,
    For them there is reward from their Rabb,
    There shall be no fear upon them nor sadness.
  263. A kind word and forgiveness are better than charity
    Followed by reproach and hurt.
    Allah is Self Sufficient, the (Supreme) Forbearer.
  264. O you who have certainty of faith,
    Do not negate your charity through boasting and hurt,
    Like a person who spends his wealth
    To show off before people
    But has no conviction of faith in Allah
    And the Last Day.
    His similitude is like that of a slippery rock
    Upon which is dirt;
    When heavy rain falls on it,
    It washes out (the dirt)
    And leaves the bare slippery rock—
    They have no power over what they have earned;
    Lo! Allah does not guide a people who reject the Truth!
  265. And the similitude of those
    Who spend their wealth
    To seek the pleasure of Allah,
    And to fortify their souls,
    Is as if there is a garden high,
    Upon which falls plenty of rain
    So it gives double the fruit;
    And if there is not sufficient rain,
    Then there is a light shower.
    Indeed, Allah is the Seer of what you do!
  266. Is there anyone who would love to have a garden
    With date palms and grape vines
    Underneath which flow streams,
    In which there are all varieties of fruit for him,
    And advanced age is upon him
    And his children are too weak,
    And there is a firestorm
    And it consumes the garden?
    Thus does Allah make manifest to you His Signs
    So that you may reflect.
  267. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Set aside (by way of charity)
    What is good from you earnings
    And from what We bring forth for you from the earth.
    And seek not to give away (in charity) anything tainted
    That you would not accept yourself
    Except with closed eyes.
    And know that Allah is Self Sufficient, Worthy of Praise.
  268. Satan frightens you with scarcity,
    And commands you to (commit) abominations,
    Whereas Allah invites you
    Towards His forgiveness and His bounty.
    Indeed, Allah is the Knower, without limits.
  269. He gives wisdom to whom He will,
    And he who has received wisdom
    Has indeed received a boundless gift.
    But this is not remembered (comprehended)
    Except by people endowed with intellect.
  270. And whatever you spend by way of charity,
    And whatever you allocate from your gifts,
    Indeed Allah has full knowledge of it,
    And as for the wrong doers,
    They have no helpers.
  271. If you reveal what you give by way of charity,
    There are blessings in it;
    But if you hide it and distribute it to those in need,
    It is better,
    And He will cover up your sins.
    Indeed, Allah is the Seer of what you do.
  272. It is not for you to bring them to guidance,
    But it is Allah who gives guidance to whom He will.
    What you spend from your wealth
    Is for the benefit of your soul.
    So, do not give charity except for
    The countenance of Allah;
    And what you spend of your wealth
    Shall be returned to you,
    And you shall not be wronged.
  273. Humble are those
    Who are completely immersed in the path of Allah,
    And do not have the strength to travel
    (To make a living) on earth.
    The ignorant ones reckon
    That they are rich because they do not ask.
    You can recognize them
    By (the light on) their foreheads.
    They do not ask with sycophancy (false praise).
    So, what you set aside from your wealth (for them),
    Indeed, Allah is the Knower of it.
  274. Those who give in charity by night and by day,
    In secret and in the open,
    For them is a reward from their Rabb;
    There shall be no fear on them and they shall not grieve.
  275. Those who consume usury shall not stand
    Except as one
    Who has lost his senses by the touch of Satan.
    That because they say:
    “Indeed trade is not but similar to usury.
    Lo!Allah has permitted trade but has forbidden usury.”
    Whoever receives this admonition from his Lord
    Shall abandon it except what is past,
    As the (past) affairs are with Allah.
    And one who reverts (and continues with usury)
    Then, it is they who are companions of the Fire,
    Therein they shall dwell for ever.
  276. Allah does not sanctify usury
    But He blesses charity.
    Allah does not love every ungrateful sinner.
  277. Verily, those who have certainty of faith,
    And perform righteous deeds,
    And establish prayer,
    And give charity,
    For them their reward is from their Rabb;
    No fear shall be upon them
    And they shall not suffer.
  278. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Be conscious of Allah
    And give up what remains of usury
    If you have  certainty of faith.
  279. For if you do not,
    Then hear the declaration of war
    From Allah and His Messenger!
    But if you repent
    Then your principle is back with you;
    You shall not oppress
    Nor shall you be oppressed.
  280. And if one is in (financial) difficulty,
    Then give him relief until there is ease,
    But if you forgive (the loan), it is even better,
    If you but knew.
  281. And be conscious of the Day
    On which you shall return to Allah.
    Then (on that Day),
    Every soul shall be rewarded what it has earned
    And no wrong shall be inflicted on them.
  282. O you who have certainty of faith!
    When you enter into a debt contract for a fixed term,
    Document it.
    Let a scribe document (the contract)
    With impartiality between you.
    And let the scribe not refuse to write
    As Allah has taught him to write.
    Let the debtor exercise his right to dictate
    And let him be conscious of his Rabb (while he dictates)
    So that there is no inaccuracy in the dictation.
    And if the person who has the right (to dictate)
    Is mentally deficient,
    Or physically challenged, or unable to dictate,
    Then let his attorney or his inheritor dictate correctly.
    And take two men among you as witnesses,
    And if two men are not present
    Then with mutual concurrence,
    A man and two women as witnesses,
    So that if one forgets, the other reminds her.
    Do not refuse to testify when you are asked (to testify)
    Nor refuse to write (when you are asked to write)
    Whether it is for a small or a large (contractual) term.
    That for you is more just before Allah,
    And more definitive as evidence,
    And it minimizes your misunderstandings—
    Unless you are exchanging goods
    Wherein you are (physically) present.
    In that case,
    There is no blame on you if you do not document it.
    Take witnesses while you trade,
    And do not harass the scribe or the witness.
    And if you do, then the wrong is on you.
    And be aware of Allah, and Allah is teaching you.
    Indeed, Allah is the Knower of all things.
  283. And if you are traveling and cannot find a scribe,
    Then take a security deposit and keep it with you;
    And when (something is) entrusted to each other,
    Let the trustee return the trust and fear Allah, his Rabb.
    And do not hide what is witnessed.
    Lo! Whoever hides (what he has witnessed)
    Has filled his heart with falsehood.
    Lo! Allah is the Knower of what you do!
  284. To Allah belongs what is in the heavens
    And what is in the earth.
    And whether you reveal what is in your souls
    Or you hide it,
    You will be taken to account before Allah.
    Then, He forgives whom He will,
    And punishes whom He will.
    Indeed, Allah is the (owner of) Power over all things.
  285. The Messenger believes
    In what has been revealed to him by his Rabb,
    And so do the believers.
    All of them have the conviction of faith in Allah
    And the Angels and the Books and the Messengers,
    (Saying) “We do not differentiate
    Between any one of the Messengers.”
    And they say: “We hear and we obey;
    Forgive us our Rabb and to You is our return.
  286. Allah does not place a burden on a soul
    Except what it can bear;
    To it is due what it earns,
    And upon it is due what it earns.
    O our Rabb! Seize us not when we forget, or do wrong!
    O our Rabb! Place not a burden upon us
    Such as that which was placed upon those before us!
    “O our Rabb!
    Impose not a burden upon us beyond our strength to bear!
    Pardon us!
    Forgive us!
    Have Mercy upon us!
    You are our Protector!
    And help us over a people who conceal the Truth!”

Surah 3. Surah Aal-e Imran

Surah 3. Aal-e Imran (The family of Imran)
Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
  1. Alif   Lam  Meem.
  2. Allah is He,
    Other than Him there is none worthy of worship,
    The Living, the Eternal.
  3. (He it is who has) revealed the Book to you in Truth,
    Confirming what was sent before you
    And He has revealed the Torah and the Gospel
  4. Before this, (providing) guidance for humankind
    And (He has sent down) the Criterion
    (for judging between right and wrong).
    Lo! Those who hide the Signs of Allah,
    Upon them is an intense punishment.
    Indeed, Allah is the Mighty, the Lord of Retribution.
  5. Of a certainty,
    Nothing is hidden from Him on earth,
    Or in the heavens.
  6. He it is
    Who shapes you in (your mothers’) wombs as He will;
    There is none worthy of worship except Him,
    The Mighty, the Wise.
  7. He it is who has sent down the Book to you;
    There are Signs in it that are basic
    And they form the foundation of the Book,
    And there are some (Signs)
    That are allegorical (and open to multiple explanations).
    So, they whose hearts are deviant
    Follow the allegories to stir up dissension,
    And search for (unfounded) meanings
    (to cause rancorous arguments).
    No! No one but Allah knows the (hidden) meanings.
    (On the other hand) those, whose knowledge is firm, say:
    “We believe in these (Signs); they are all from our Rabb”.However, this is not comprehended
    Except by the people of intellect.
  8. (And they pray):
    “O our Rabb! Turn not our hearts (away)
    After You have shown us guidance,
    And bestow upon us Your Mercy!
    Indeed, You are the Bestower!
  9. O our Rabb!
    Verily, You will gather together all humankind
    On a Day about which there is no doubt.
    Lo! Allah does not compromise on His promise!
  10. As for those who conceal the Truth,
    Their wealth and their children
    Will not benefit them in the least in the presence of Allah,
    And it is they who will be fuel for the Fire!
  11. As it was with the people of the Pharaoh,
    And those before them who gave the lie to Our Signs,
    Allah seized them for their wrong doings.
    Indeed, Allah is intense in His retribution.
  12. Tell those who deny the Truth
    That they shall soon be overwhelmed
    And shall be driven towards the Fire.
    What an awful destination it is!
  13. It was a Sign for you
    When two opposing forces met,
    One force fighting in the way of Allah,
    The other of the disbelievers who saw (the believers)
    As if they were doubled.
    Lo! Allah grants His help to whom He will.
    Indeed, in this is a lesson for people with inner vision.
  14. Tempting for humankind is desire -
    For women and children,
    And accumulated heaps of gold and silver,
    And choice horses, and cattle, and cultivated land -
    That is the wealth of this world.
    Lo! More beautiful is a station in the presence of Allah!
  15. Say: “Shall I give more beneficial news for you?”
    For the Allah-conscious,
    (are granted) Gardens of Bliss close to their Rabb,
    Beneath which flow streams (of Divine grace).
    They shall dwell therein for ever with companions pure,
    And the supreme felicity of Allah’s acceptance.
    Lo! Allah is the Seer of His servants!
  16. Those who say:
    “O our Rabb! We do indeed believe with conviction;
    So, forgive our sins for us and save us from the Fire!”
  17. (And) those who persevere,
    And are steadfast on Truth,
    And are contented (with Allah),
    Those who spend (in the way of Allah),
    And ask for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning.
  18. Allah has borne witness
    That there is none worthy of worship but Him,
    As do the angels,
    And the people of knowledge
    Who establish and persevere with justice;
    There is none worthy of worship but Him,
    The Mighty, the Wise.
  19. Verily, the deen (moral code) before Allah
    Is surrender (to Divine Will);
    And what differences arose among people of the Book
    After they had received the knowledge
    Were due to defiance from them.
    Beware! Whoever gives  the lie to the Signs of Allah,
    Allah is quick in His reckoning!
  20. Even then, if (people) argue with you, tell them:
    “I have surrendered (my existence)
    In the presence of Allah
    And so have those who follow me”.
    And ask of the people of the Book and the ignorant ones:
    “Do you surrender (to Allah)?”
    For, those who surrender find guidance.
    But if they turn away,
    Then upon you (is the responsibility)
    Only to explain (the message).
    Lo! Allah is the Seer of His servants!
  21. Indeed, for such as those who conceal the Truth,
    And slay the Prophets in gross violation of justice,
    And slay the people who command justice,
    (For such) give them the tidings
    Of a punishment most painful.
  22. Such are the ones
    Who have broken their ties with their own deeds
    (lost control of what they are doing)
    In this world and in the hereafter,
    And there shall be no helpers for them.
  23. Have you not seen
    Those from among the people of the Book
    Who are invited to the Book of Allah
    So as to settle (the disputes) between them?
    Then a group among them turns away
    Asking to be excused.
  24. This (is so) because they assert:
    “The Fire shall not touch us
    Except for a  period limited.
    They are deceived in their beliefs
    By their own inventions.
  25. Then, what will be their fate
    When We gather them all together on a Day
    About which there is no doubt,
    And every soul shall be paid what it has earned
    And they shall not suffer injustice?
  26. Say: “O Allah! Yours is the sovereignty.
    You delegate authority to whom You will,
    And take it away from whom You will.
    You bestow honor upon whom You will,
    And take it away from whom You will.
    All that is good is in Your hands. Verily,
    You are the (Owner of) Power over all affairs.”
  27. “You draw out the night from the day,
    And You draw out the day from the night.
    You bring forth the living from the dead,
    And You bring forth the dead from the living.
    And You grant sustenance without limit
    To whom You will.”
  28. O you who believe!
    Do not choose the disbelievers
    As your protectors
    In preference to those who believe.
    And whoever does this,
    Has broken his relationship with Allah
    Unless (you seek a treaty with)
    The God-fearing among them for defense.
    And Allah is warning you about Himself.
    And to Allah is the (final) return.
  29. Say: “Whether you conceal
    What is in your bosoms or reveal it,
    Allah knows it.
    And He knows what is in the heavens
    And what is on earth.
    Lo! Allah is the (Owner of) Power over all things”
  30. The Day when every soul shall face
    The good deeds it has performed
    As well as the evil deeds it has performed
    And will wish to put a great distance
    Between itself and its (evil deeds).
    Lo! Allah is warning you about Himself.
    Indeed, Allah is the Most Forbearing towards His servants.
  31. Say: “If you love Allah, then follow me.
    Allah will love you and forgive your wrongs.
    Indeed, Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.”
  32. Say: “Obey Allah and obey the Messenger.”
    Then if they turn away,
    Lo! Allah does not love the rejecters.
  33. Behold! Allah has chosen Adam and Noah
    And the children of Abraham and the children of Imran
    Over all the people.
  34. They were offspring, some of the others.
    Indeed, Allah is the Hearer, the Knower.
  35. When the wife of Imran said:
    “O my Rabb! I have consecrated
    what is in my womb to You, with no pre-conditions.
    So, accept (this offering) from me.
    Indeed, You are the Hearer, the Knower.”
  36. When she gave birth, she said:
    “O my Rabb! I have given birth to a daughter.
    Indeed, Allah has full knowledge of whoever is born,
    And a son is not like a daughter.
    I have named her Mariam (Mary),
    And I have placed her and her offspring
    Under Your protection from Satan, the accursed.
  37. So, her Rabb listened to her,
    Accepted (her supplication) with exalted Grace,
    And raised her up with the most noble upbringing,
    And entrusted her to the care of Zachariah.
    Whenever Zachariah entered her cloister,
    He found her with (Divine) sustenance
    (lit: there came into being Divine sustenance for her).
    He said: “O Mary! Where does this come from for you?”
    She said: “This is from Allah.
    Lo! Allah grants sustenance to whom He will without limit.”
  38. Right then and there
    Zachariah offered a prayer to his Rabb:
    “O my Rabb! Grant me from You, children of purity.
    Indeed, You listen to all supplications.
  39. When he stood in prayer in the cloister,
    The Angels announced:
    “Allah sends you the glad tidings of Yahya (John),
    (Who will) confirm the Word of Allah,
    A leader in full command of his own soul,
    A Prophet from among the righteous.”
  40. He said:
    “O my Rabb! How could I have a son
    When I have attained an old age and my wife is barren?”
    Said (the Angel):
    “That is how Allah does what He will.”
  41. Said (Zachariah): “Grant me a Sign.”
    Said (the Angel):
    “Your Sign is that you shall not speak to anyone
    For three days except by sign language
    And you shall remember your Rabb limitless times
    And glorify Him by evening and by morning.”
  42. And when the Angels said to her:
    “O Mary! Indeed Allah has chosen you
    And purified you
    And honored you over the women of all the worlds.”
  43. “O Mary! Be content with your Rabb,
    Prostrate yourself before Him,
    And bow down (before Him) with those who bow down.”
  44. These are descriptions from (worlds) beyond perception
    Which We have brought down to you (O Prophet)
    As revelation (from Allah).
    And you were not with them when they were writing down
    As to who among them would bring up Mary.
    And you were not with them
    When they argued among themselves.
  45. When the Angels said to her:
    “O Mary! Behold! Allah sends you
    The glad tidings of a Word from Him.
    His name shall be Isa Maseeh
    (Jesus the Messiah), son of Mary,
    Illuminated (by Prophetic Light) in this world
    And in the hereafter
    And among those who are close (to Me).
  46. And he will speak to people from the cradle
    And as an adult
    And he will be among the righteous.”
  47. She said: “O my Rabb! How could I have a son
    While no man has touched me?”
    Said (the Angels): “This is how Allah creates as He will.
    When He decrees an action, He says not except: Be!
    And it was!”
  48. And He will teach him the Book and the Wisdom
    And the Torah and the Gospel.
  49. And He will be a Messenger to the children of Israel:
    (Declaring)“I have indeed come to you
    With Signs from my Rabb,
    I will mold clay in the shape of a bird
    And I will blow into it
    And it will become a bird (it will come alive)
    By the command of Allah.
    And I will give sight to one born blind and heal the leper
    And give life to the dead by the command of Allah.
    And I will reveal to you what you eat
    And what you hoard in your homes.
    Indeed, in this is a Sign for you
    If you have certainty of faith.”
  50. “And (I have come to you)
    To confirm what is with you from the Torah
    And permit some of what has been forbidden to you;
    And I have come to you with Signs from your Rabb.
    Therefore, be Allah-conscious and follow me.”
  51. “Verily, Allah is my Rabb and your Rabb,
    Therefore worship (and serve) Him;
    This is the right path.”
  52. When Jesus sensed
    That there was disbelief among them,
    He said: “Who will be my helpers in the path of Allah?”
    The disciples said:
    “We are the helpers in the path of Allah.
    We believe in Allah with certainty
    And we bear witness
    That we are among those who surrender (our will to Allah).
  53. O our Rabb!
    We have believed in what You have revealed
    And we follow the Messenger.
    Therefore, write us down among those who bear witness.”
  54. So they (the disbelievers) plotted and Allah planned.
    Lo! Allah is the best of planners!
  55. When Allah said:
    “O Jesus! I will take your life and raise you up towards Me
    And purify you from the unbelievers
    And grant those who follow you a higher station
    Over the unbelievers till the Judgment Day.
    Then, to Me you shall return,
    And I shall judge between you in what you disagree.”
  56. Then, those who reject the Truth,
    I shall punish with a severe punishment
    In this world and in the hereafter
    And they shall have none to help them.
  57. And those who have certainty of faith
    And perform righteous deeds,
    Their recompense shall be honored.
    Indeed, Allah does not love the transgressors.
  58. That is what We rehearse for you from Our Signs
    And it is an admonition from the Most Wise.
  59. Lo! The similitude of Jesus before Allah
    Is like that of Adam.
    I created him from the earth and said:
    “Be!” And he was!
  60. The Truth is from your Rabb.
    Therefore, be not among those who have doubts.
  61. Then, say to those who argue with you
    Even after the knowledge has come down to you:
    “Come, let us invite our children and your children,
    Our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves,
    And invoke the repudiation of Allah upon those who lie.”
  62. Lo! This is a narration in Truth:
    There is no deity but Allah, and indeed Allah is He
    Who is the Mighty, the Wise.
  63. Then, if they turn away,
    Then verily, Allah is the Knower of those
    Who cause division (within one’s soul and in the society).
  64. Say: “O people of the Book!
    Come towards a (common) position between us and you
    That there is none worthy of worship except Allah,
    And we do not associate anyone with Him,
    And we take not each other as our Lords except Allah.”
    Even so, if they turn away, then tell them:
    “We bear witness that we are among those
    Who surrender (their own will to Allah).”
  65. O people of the Book!
    Why do you argue about Abraham
    When the Torah and the Gospel were revealed only after him?
    Are you devoid of common sense?
  66. Yes indeed, you were the ones
    Who argued among yourselves
    About what you had knowledge of.
    Then, why do you argue
    About what you have no knowledge of?
    Lo! Allah is He
    Who knows and you are without knowledge.
  67. Abraham was not a Jew or a Christian
    But he was a Haneef
    (endowed with inner knowledge of the Truth),
    One who had surrendered himself to Allah,
    And he was not one to associate (partners with Allah).
  68. Indeed, the most preferred among humankind are those
    Who followed Abraham and this Prophet
    And those who have certainty of faith.
    Lo! Allah is the protector of those
    Who have certainty of faith.
  69. From the people of the Book is a party
    That would love to see you lose your way.
    They do not mislead anyone but themselves
    And they perceive it not.
  70. O people of the Book!
    Why do you deny the Signs of Allah
    When you yourselves are witness (to the Truth)?
  71. O people of the Book!
    Why do you mix the Truth with falsehood
    And conceal the Truth
    Even though you are in the know?
  72. And a party among the people of the Book says:
    “Believe (provisionally)
    In what is revealed to the believers
    At the beginning of the day
    But reject it at the end (reject it ultimately).”
    (They say this) so that they (the believers)
    Revert (to unbelief).
  73. And do not have complete trust
    (In matters of faith) in anyone
    Except one who follows your faith.
    Say: “Indeed, (true) guidance is guidance from Allah
    Such as that given to you.”
    If they argue about your Rabb,
    Say: “Indeed, all blessings are within the power of Allah;
    He bestows them on whom He will.”
    Lo! Allah is the Knower, Infinite (in His knowledge).
  74. He directs His mercy to whom He will.
    Lo! Allah is the Owner of Beneficence, Supreme!
  75. And among the people of the Book are some
    Who will return to you a trust even if it be a huge one.
    And among them are some
    Who will not return a trust of even one dinar
    Unless you pressure them.
    It is because they say:
    “There is no obligation upon us to be open and fair
    With those who are not of us.”
    Lo! They utter a lie against Allah and they know it.
  76. No! Whoever fulfills his contract and is Allah-conscious,
    Then indeed (know that) Allah loves those
    Who are conscious of Him.
  77. Lo! Those who sell their contracts with Allah
    And their oaths for a paltry sum,
    For them will be no portion in the hereafter.
    Allah will not speak to them,
    Will not look at them on the Judgment Day,
    And will not purify them.
    Upon them will be a painful punishment.
  78. And lo! Among them is a group
    That twists its tongue while (reciting) the Book,
    So that you reckon
    (What they are reciting) is from the Book
    But it is not from the Book.
    And they say it is from Allah when it is not from Allah.
    They ascribe a lie to Allah and they know it.
  79. It is not (befitting) that a human
    Who is granted the Book,
    The Wisdom and the Prophecy, tells people:
    “Worship me rather than worship Allah.”
    Instead (he should say):
    “Be among those who devote themselves
    To know Allah and serve Him
    In accordance with what you teach and what you recite.”
  80. And he will not command you
    To take the angels and the prophets as your Rabb.
    Would he command unbelief
    After you have surrendered (yourselves to Allah)?
  81. And when Allah took a covenant from the Prophets:
    “By the Book and the Wisdom that I give you,
    There will come to you a Messenger,
    Confirming what is with you;
    You must believe in him and be his helpers.”
    (Allah) said: “Do you make a promise?
    And do you accept My promise with it?”
    They said: “We promise!”
    He said: “Then, be witness (to this covenant)
    And I am with you among the witnesses.”
  82. Then, those who turn back after that,
    They are the ones who are rebellious.
  83. What? Do they search for a deen (moral code)
    Different from that of Allah
    While all that is in the heavens and the earth
    Surrender to Him, willingly or unwillingly,
    And to Him is their return?
  84. Say: “We believe with conviction in Allah
    And in what has been revealed to us
    And what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael
    And Isaac and Jacob and (their) children,
    And what was revealed to Moses, and Jesus,
    And the Prophets from their Rabb.
    No differentiation do we make between any of them,
    And we are among those
    Who have surrendered (themselves to Allah).”
  85. And whoever searches for a deen (faith)
    Besides surrender (to Allah),
    It will never be accepted of him
    And he will be among the lost ones in the hereafter.
  86. How can the guidance of Allah reach a people
    Who have rejected the Truth
    After taking an oath of surrender
    And were witness that the Messenger was true
    And there came to them clear Signs?
    Indeed, Allah does not guide a people who transgress.
  87. Their recompense is that there is
    The repudiation of Allah upon them
    And of the angels and of all humankind.
  88. They shall dwell therein forever;
    There shall be no reduction in their punishment,
    Nor shall they have any respite.
  89. Except for those who repent after that
    And seek reconciliation;
    In that case,
    Lo! Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  90. Verily, those who chose (the darkness of) unbelief
    After (seeing the light of) belief,
    And then moved (inexorably) deeper into darkness,
    Their repentance will never be accepted,
    And they are the ones who have lost their way.
  91. Indeed, those who have rejected the Truth
    And die in a state of unbelief,
    No ransom will be accepted from them
    Even if they offer all the gold in the world.
    They are the ones
    Upon whom will be a painful punishment
    and they will have no helpers.
  92. You shall not attain piety
    Until you set aside in charity from what you love.
    And whatever you set aside in charity,
    Verily, Allah is aware of it.
  93. All food was permissible for the children of Israel
    Except what Israel forbid for itself
    Before the revelation of the Torah.
    Say: “Bring the Torah and read it if you are truthful.”
  94. So, whoever ascribes a lie to Allah even after that,
    It is they who are the transgressors.
  95. Say: “The Truth is from Allah.
    Therefore, follow the (spiritual) community
    Of Abraham the Haneef
    (Who was disposed towards the Truth),
    And be not among those
    Who associate partners with Allah.”
  96. Verily, the first sanctuary established for humankind
    Is in Mecca
    (Radiating) blessings and guidance for all the worlds.
  97. In it there are Signs manifest at the Place of Abraham
    And whoever enters it is in a refuge.
    And it is (the right) of Allah upon humankind
    That whoever has the means to do so in His way
    Visits the Sanctuary for Hajj (pilgrimage).
    And whoever denies it,
    Then (let him know that)
    Allah is indeed not in need of anything in all the worlds.
  98. Say: “O people of the Book!
    Why do you reject the Signs of Allah?
    Indeed, Allah is witness to what you do.”
  99. Say: “O people of the Book!
    Why do you prevent (people) from the path of Allah?
    You pursue the faithful to confuse them
    While you are (yourselves) witnesses (to the Truth).
    Lo! Allah is not unaware of what you do.”
  100. O you who have the certainty of faith!
    If you follow some among the people of the Book,
    They will make you revert to unbelief
    After you have taken the oath of belief.
  101. And how can you reject the Truth
    While the Signs from Allah are recited to you
    And the Messenger is with you?
    Indeed, whoever holds fast to Allah will receive guidance
    Towards the right path.
  102. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Be aware of Allah as it is His right to be aware
    (Fear Allah as it is His right to be feared)
    And die not except as those
    Who have surrendered (to Allah).
  103. And hold on firmly to the rope from Allah all together,
    And be not divided.
    Remember the blessings that Allah has bestowed on you.
    When you were enemies (of each other),
    He placed love in your hearts
    So that with His blessings
    You became brothers (and sisters);
    When you stood at the edge of the precipice of the Fire,
    He pulled you back from it.
    That is how Allah makes His Signs clear
    To you so that you are guided.
  104. Let there be established
    A (spiritual) community from among you
    Inviting (humankind) to what is good,
    Directing it to what is noble
    And guarding (people) from what is forbidden.
    Lo! Such are the ones who attain felicity!
  105. And be not like those who disagreed
    And were divided
    Even after clear Signs were rehearsed to them.
    And it is they upon whom is a great punishment.
  106. The day on which there will be some
    whose existence (faces) will be lit up with (Divine) Light
    And some whose existence will have no (Divine) light
    (some faces will be lit up and some faces will be in darkness);
    Then those whose existence (faces)
    Will have no (Divine) Light will be asked:
    “Did you reject the Truth after you had taken the oath of belief?
    Then, taste the punishment for what you used to deny.”
  107. And those whose existence (faces) will be lit up
    Will be surrounded with Divine Mercy;
    Therein they shall dwell forever.
  108. These are the Signs from Allah
    That we recite for you in Truth.
    And Allah has no desire to inflict unjust punishment
    Upon the worlds.
  109. Lo! Whatever is in the heavens and on earth
    Belongs to Allah
    And to Allah return all commands.
  110. You are the most noble of spiritual communities
    Brought forth for humankind,
    Inviting them towards what is most noble,
    Directing them away from what is forbidden
    And believing with certainty in Allah.
    And if the people of the Book had believed,
    It would have been better for them.
    Among them are some who believe with conviction
    But most of them are rebellious.
  111. They can do you no harm except to harass you.
    And if you confront them they will turn their backs on you.
    Then, they will receive no help.
  112. Inflicted on them is ignominy wherever they go
    Except (when they receive) the rope (support) of Allah
    And the rope (protection) of people.
    They will be scattered by the wrath of Allah
    And wandering shall be forced upon them.
    This is because they rejected the Signs of Allah
    And slaughtered the Prophets in violation of justice.
    They were rebellious and they exceeded the bounds.
  113. Not equal is everyone from the people of the Book.
    There is among them a spiritual group
    That is well grounded (in faith).
    They recite the Signs of Allah by night
    And prostrate themselves (in prayer).
  114. They believe in Allah with conviction
    And in the Last Day
    And they command what is noble
    And eschew what is forbidden
    And are diligent in doing good deeds.
    Indeed, they are among the righteous.
  115. And what they perform by way of good deeds,
    They shall never be glossed over.
    Lo! Allah knows those who are conscious of the Divine.
  116. Indeed, for those who reject the Truth,
    Of not the least benefit will be their wealth and their children
    (When they stand) before Allah.
    Indeed, they are companions of the Fire,
    Therein they shall dwell forever.
  117. The similitude of what they spend
    On the life of this world
    Is as if there is a frosty wind
    That strikes the crops of a people who are oppressive
    And destroys it.
    No! Allah did them no wrong
    But they wronged their own souls.
  118. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Take not as your confidants other than your own.
    They (who have no faith) tire not in wishing you ill.
    They love to see you in difficulties
    And their enmity has been confirmed by what they say.
    And what they hide in their hearts is even worse.
    Lo! We have made manifest for you the Signs
    So that you may reason.
  119. Take heed! You are the ones who love them
    But they love you not
    (Even though) you believe in all the Books.
    When they meet you they say: We believe!
    But when they are alone
    They bite their fingers in their rage
    (they cannot control their anger).
    Say: You perish with your anger!
    Lo! Allah knows the very essence of hearts!
  120. When something good happens to you, it irks them;
    When you encounter a difficulty, it makes them happy.
    If you are patient and are Allah-conscious,
    Their scheming will do you no harm.
    Indeed, Allah encapsulates (surrounds all around)
    What they do.
  121. And (remember) when you left your home
    In the early hours of the morning
    To establish defensive positions for the believers.
    Lo! Allah is the Hearer, the Knower!
  122. When two groups among you
    Were about to get disheartened,
    Allah reinforced them.
    So, let those who have certainty of faith
    Place their trust in Allah.
  123. And lo! Help came to you at Badr
    When you were only a few.
    Therefore, be Allah-conscious so that you are thankful.
  124. (Recall) when you said to the believers:
    “Is it not sufficient for you
    That your Rabb is helping you
    With three thousand angels arrayed (in rows)?”
  125. No! If you are patient and are Allah-conscious
    And they (the enemy) descend on you suddenly,
    Your Rabb will help you
    With five thousand angels well prepared.
  126. And Allah did not do this
    Except to give you the good news
    And to set your hearts at rest.
    Lo! There is no help except from Allah,
    The Mighty, the Wise.
  127. So that He may cut off a group
    From among the disbelievers,
    Or dishonor them,
    So that they turn around frustrated.
  128. It is not in the least your decision
    Whether they are forgiven
    Or punished because they are transgressors.
  129. And to Allah belongs
    Whatever is in the heavens and on earth.
    He forgives whom He will and punishes whom He will.
    Lo! Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful!
  130. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Do not consume usury
    Doubling and redoubling (the principal).
    And be Allah-conscious
    So that you may attain felicity.
  131. And be aware of the Fire
    That is prepared for those who reject the Truth.
  132. And obey Allah and the Messenger
    So that you may receive Divine Grace.
  133. And hasten towards forgiveness from your Rabb
    And towards the Garden
    Whose extent is the heavens and the earth
    And is prepared for those who are Allah-conscious.
  134. Those who set aside in charity
    Whether they have plenty or face scarcity,
    Who control their anger and forgive their fellow human beings -
    Lo! Allah loves those who do beautiful deeds.
  135. Those who, when they have done a vulgar act,
    Or have wronged their own souls
    Call on Allah and ask for His forgiveness for their wrongs-
    And who can forgive sins except Allah?
    And those who do not insist on (repeating)
    What they have done (wrong) knowingly.
  136. It is they upon whom is recompense
    And forgiveness from their Rabb
    And Gardens beneath which flow streams (of Divine grace),
    Therein they shall dwell forever.
    What a beautiful recompense
    For those who perform (good deeds)!
  137. Behold! many were the (historical) events
    That have transpired before you.
    So, travel through the earth
    And observe what was the fate of those
    Who gave the lie (to the Truth).
  138. This is a discourse for humankind
    And guidance and exhortation
    For those who have certainty of faith.
  139. So do not let up or be disheartened
    And you will triumph if you have  certainty of faith.
  140. If a hurt has reached you,
    Then a similar hurt
    Has certainly reached the (opposing) group,
    And we rotate these days
    (the days of fortune and adversity)
    Among humankind
    So that Allah sorts out those
    Who have certainty of faith
    And anoint some of them as martyrs.
    Lo! Allah does not love the transgressors!
  141. So that Allah may purify the believers
    And doom the unbelievers.
  142. Do you reckon that you will enter the Garden
    While Allah has not determined who among you struggle
    And who among you endure?
  143. Lo! You wished to meet death before this,
    So now indeed you have seen it and you are seeing it.
  144. And Muhammad is but a Messenger.
    Many are the Messengers
    Who have passed away before him.
    If then he dies or is killed, will you turn on your heels?
    And whoever turns on his heels
    Will not cause the least harm to Allah.
    Indeed, soon will Allah reward those who are grateful.
  145. And no person shall meet his death
    Except by the command of Allah -
    It is decreed and written.
    And whoever desires a reward in this world,
    We shall give him (a portion) of it.
    And whoever desires a reward in the hereafter,
    We shall give him (a portion) of it.
    And soon shall We reward those who are grateful.
  146. And many have been men of Divine faith
    Who have fought alongside the Prophets.
    They did not let up when faced with difficulties
    In the way of Allah,
    They showed no weakness, and they did not give up.
    Lo! Allah loves those who persevere!
  147. And there was no word from them
    Except these words:
    “Our Rabb! Forgive our sins and the excesses in our deeds
    And steady our footsteps
    And help us against a people who reject the Truth.”
  148. So Allah granted them blessings of the world
    And the excellent blessings of the hereafter.
    Lo! Allah loves those who perform excellent deeds
    (Allah loves those who worship and serve
    as if they witness Him).
  149. O you who have certainty of faith!
    If you follow those who reject the Truth,
    They will turn you on your heels.
    Then, you will be among those who are lost.
  150. No! Allah is your Protector
    And He is the best of Helpers.
  151. Soon We will infuse fear
    Into the hearts of the disbelievers
    Because they associate deities with Allah
    Without receiving any authority for it
    (any proof for their position).
    And their abode is the Fire.
    Evil is the destination of the oppressors
    (those who oppress their own souls).
  152. And behold!
    Allah made His promise to you come true
    While you were engaged in fighting them by His command,
    Until you wavered and disagreed among yourselves
    About what needed to be done,
    And you disobeyed after We showed you what you loved.
    Some among you desired this world
    And some desired the hereafter.
    Then, We made you flee from them so as to test you.
    And verily, We forgave you (even so).
    Indeed, Allah is the disposer of Grace
    On those who have certainty of faith.
  153. When you were fleeing, not looking back at anyone,
    And the Messenger called you from behind (to return),
    He gave you grief (as a requital) for (the Messenger’s) grief,
    So that you learn not to feel sorry for what you had lost,
    Or the difficulty you faced.
    Lo! Allah is aware of what you do!
  154. Then, after the sorrow,
    Allah sent down a restful slumber over a party among you
    While another party was concerned for their lives.
    They had unjustifiable doubts about Allah
    Because of their ignorance.
    They said: “Do we have control over any action?”
    Say: “The outcome of all actions is with Allah.”
    They conceal within themselves
    What they do not reveal to you.
    They said: “Indeed, if we had (power) over any action,
    We would not have been slaughtered here.”
    Say: “Even if you were in your homes,
    Those whose destiny it was to get killed
    Would have sallied forth to their (appointed) places of death.
    Lo! Allah tests you for what is in your breasts
    And purifies what is in your hearts.
    Lo! Allah knows the very essence of breasts (hearts)!”
  155. Indeed, those of you who turned on their heels
    When the two armies met face to face,
    Satan misled them
    Because of some of what they had earned.
    And behold! Allah forgave them (even so).
    Indeed, Allah is the Forgiver, the Forbearing.
  156. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Do not be like the disbelievers.
    They say about their brothers
    Who go forth on earth (to make a living)
    Or on defensive expeditions:
    “If they had stayed (home) with us
    They would not have died or been killed.”
    That is how Allah creates a wistful longing in their hearts.
    Indeed, to Allah belongs life and death,
    And indeed Allah is the Seer of all that you do.
  157. And if you are killed or die in the way of Allah,
    Of a certainty
    (You have) forgiveness from Allah, and His Grace.
    This is far better than what you hoard.
  158. And if you die or are killed,
    Indeed towards Allah will you be gathered together.
  159. For it is a Mercy from Allah
    That you (O Muhammed) have a soft heart for them.
    Indeed, if you were unforgiving and hard hearted
    They would have been scattered around you.
    Therefore, forgive them, pray for their forgiveness,
    And offer them counsel for their actions,
    And when you have made up your mind
    Then trust in Allah.
    Indeed, Allah loves those who have trust in Him.
  160. If Allah helps you, no one can prevail over you,
    And if He abandons you then who can help you after that?
    Therefore, those who have certainty of faith
    Have trust in Allah.
  161. And it is not benefitting a Prophet to conceal anything.
    And whoever conceals something shall bring with him
    What he had concealed
    On the Judgment Day.
    Then shall every soul receive full recompense
    For what it has earned
    And no excess shall be inflicted on it.
  162. Then, is one who has served for the pleasure of Allah
    Like the one who has returned with the displeasure of Allah
    And whose abode is the Fire?
    And what an awful place it is!
  163. There are multiple stations for them
    In the presence of Allah (some closer to Him than others).
    Lo! Allah is the Seer of what they do!
  164. Indeed, it is a favor from Allah
    For those who have the conviction of faith
    That a Messenger has been sent to them
    From among themselves,
    Reciting the Signs for them,
    And purifying them,
    And teaching them the Book and the Wisdom.
    Verily, they were in obvious error aforetime
    (before the coming of the Messenger).
  165. How is it that when a hardship reaches you,
    Although you have inflicted twice as much hardship on them,
    You ask: “Where did this come from?”
    Say: “It came from your own souls.”
    Indeed, Allah is the (Owner of) Power over all things.
  166. And the hardship that you experienced on the day
    When the two armies met
    Was by command of Allah,
    So that He might sort out those
    Who had certainty of faith.
  167. And so that He may sort out those
    Who were hypocrites.
    And when they were told to fight in the way of Allah
    Or defend themselves,
    They said: “If we knew how to fight
    We would certainly have fought alongside you.”
    They were closer that day to denying the Truth
    Than to accepting the Truth.
    They do not say with their mouths
    What was in their hearts.
    Lo! Allah is aware of what they hide!
  168. (As for) those who themselves stayed behind
    But say about their brothers:
    “If they had listened to us,
    they would not have been killed.”
    Say: “Remove (the specter of) death
    From your souls if you are truthful!”
  169. And do not count those
    Who have been killed in the way of Allah
    Among the dead
    But they are alive with their Rabb
    And they receive their sustenance (from His presence).
  170. They are happy with what Allah has granted them
    Through His Grace,
    And they rejoice for those
    who are behind them and have not yet joined them.
    There shall be no fear upon them nor shall they grieve.
  171. And they are rejoicing with the bounties from Allah
    And His munificence,
    And (the knowledge) that Allah does not overlook
    The reward for those who have certainty of faith.
  172. For those who accepted Allah and the Messenger
    After they received a wound,
    (And) those who performed good deeds
    And were Allah-conscious,
    (There is a) great reward.
  173. (As for) those to whom (some) people said:
    “Indeed, a horde has gathered (men and material)
    Against you, so be fearful of them”,
    It reinforced their faith and they said:
    “Sufficient is Allah (as our Trustee)
    And how sublime is our Trustee!”
  174. Then they returned with bounties from Allah
    And His munificence;
    No harm did they receive
    And they followed the pleasure of Allah.
    Lo! Allah is the Owner of Bounties supreme!
  175. It is nothing but Satan scaring you
    Along with his friends;
    So, do not fear them but fear Me
    If you have certainty of faith.
  176. Let not those who hasten towards unbelief
    Cause you grief.
    Certainly, they cannot harm Allah.
    It is the will of Allah
    Not to give them any share in the hereafter
    And upon them is a great punishment.
  177. Those who have traded unbelief for belief
    Cannot harm Allah
    And upon them is a painful punishment.
  178. Let not the unbelievers reckon
    That the respite We give them is good for them.
    Indeed, the respite is so that they increase their sins
    And upon them (is) a disgraceful punishment.
  179. Allah is not (disposed) to leave the believers
    In their present state
    Until He sorts out the impure from the pure.
    And Allah is not (disposed) to give you knowledge
    That is beyond perception.
    But Allah selects whom He will from among His Messengers.
    Therefore, have certainty of faith
    In Allah and His Messenger.
    And if you believe and are Allah-conscious,
    Then you will have a great reward.
  180. Let not those who are tight fisted calculate
    That it is good for them to be stingy
    With what has come down to them by the grace of Allah.
    On the contrary, it is harmful to them.
    What they are stingy about (and hoard)
    Will become shackles around their necks
    On the Judgment Day.
    To Allah belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth.
    Lo! Allah is aware of what you do!
  181. Behold! Allah has heard the words of those who say:
    “Surely, Allah is needy and we are wealthy.”
    Yes indeed! We will record what they say,
    And how they killed the Prophets in violation of justice,
    And We will say to them:
    “Taste ye the burning punishment!”
  182. That is what you sent ahead of you
    With your own hands,
    And Allah is not in the least oppressive to His servants.
  183. Those who say:
    “Verily, Allah has made a covenant with us
    That we should not believe in any Messenger
    Until he brings to us a sacrifice that is devoured by fire.”
    Say: “When came to you Messengers before me
    Wth clear Signs
    And with what you are asking for,
    Why did you kill them, if you are truthful?
  184. Then if they reject you,
    Know that they did indeed reject
    The Messengers before you
    Who came with clear Signs
    And Ancient Scriptures and the Book reflecting Light.
  185. Every Self shall have a taste of death
    And it is not until the Judgment Day
    That you shall reap the full recompense (for your deeds).
    Then, whoever is removed far from the Fire
    And enters the Garden has indeed triumphed.
    Lo! The life of this world
    Is nothing but a means for egotism!
  186. You shall be tried with your wealth and your souls
    And you shall hear plenty of hurtful (comments)
    From those who received the Book before you
    And from those who associate gods with God.
    And if you are patient and remain Allah-conscious,
    Then those are indeed resolute acts.
  187. And (recall) when We took a covenant
    From those who received the Book
    (With a command to) recite it for humankind
    And not conceal it.
    But they threw it behind their backs
    And traded it for a small price.
    How appalling was their trade!
  188. Do not reckon that those who take pleasure
    In what they have connived
    And love to be praised for what they have not done
    Can be considered exempt from punishment.
    Indeed, theirs is a painful punishment.
  189. To Allah belongs
    The sovereignty of the heavens and the earth.
    Lo! Allah is the (Owner of) Power over all things!
  190. Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth,
    And the contrast between night and day
    Are Signs for those endowed with intellect.
  191. Those who remember Allah,
    Standing and sitting and lying down,
    And ponder over the creation of the heavens
    And the earth (saying):
    “O our Rabb! You have not created this in vain!
    Glorified are You! Save us then from the Fire!”
  192. “O our Rabb! Verily, you have disgraced
    Whoever you have hurled into the Fire.
    Indeed, the transgressors have no helpers.”
  193. “O our Rabb! We have indeed heard
    The voice of one inviting us towards faith:
    “Believe in your Rabb!”
    And so we have believed.
    Our Rabb!
    Forgive us for our sins and cover up our shortcomings
    And make us die with the righteous ones.”
  194. “O our Rabb! Grant us what You have promised us
    Through your Messengers
    And make us not be ashamed on the Judgment Day.
    Indeed, You do not compromise on Your promise.”
  195. So, their Rabb accepted their supplications
    (And responded):
    “Behold! I do not overlook the deeds of anyone
    Whether it is a man or a woman;
    (You are) one of the other.
    So, for those who migrated
    And were expelled from their homes
    And who were tortured in My way
    And fought and were killed,
    I will certainty remove from them
    (The blight of) their errors
    And admit them to the Gardens
    Beneath which flow streams (of Divine grace).
    This is the reward from Allah.
    Lo! with Him are the most beautiful rewards!
  196. Let not the ways of the unbelievers on the earth
    Deceive you.
  197. (They are) of benefit (only) for a limited period.
    Then their abode is Hell.
    What an awful destination it is!
  198. On the other hand,
    For those who are aware of their Rabb,
    There are Gardens
    Beneath which flow streams (of Divine grace),
    A reception from Allah.
    And that which is from Allah is best for the righteous.
  199. And certainly, among the people of the Book
    There are those who have certainty of faith in Allah
    And what has been revealed to you
    And what was revealed to them,
    Who fear Allah
    And do not sell the Signs of Allah for a paltry sum -
    It is they who have their recompense from their Rabb.
    Indeed, Allah is swift in His reckoning.
  200. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Be patient, and enjoin steadfastness,
    And reinforce each other (with patience and steadfastness),
    And be conscious of Allah so that you attain felicity.

Surah 4. Surah al Nisa’a

Surah 4. Surah al Nisa’a (Women)
Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
  1. O humankind!
    Be aware of your Rabb!
    Who created you from a single soul,
    And created from it its mate,
    And from the two of them spread out countless men and women.
    Be aware of Him
    In whose Name you ask (your mutual rights and responsibilities)
    And (be aware of) the wombs (reminding you of your common origin).
    Lo! Allah is watchful over you!
  2. And return to the orphans what is due to them,
    And do not exchange what is impure with what is pure
    And do not eat up their wealth along with yours;
    That is indeed a great crime.
  3. And if you fear that you cannot do justice to the orphans,
    Then marry the women who are good for you,
    Two or three or four.
    But if you fear that you cannot do justice with them,
    Then only one or a captive (of war) under your protection.
    This is preferable to doing injustice.
  4. And give the women their marriage gift cheerfully.
    But if they willingly forego some of it for you,
    Then use it as a pleasant, delightful (gift).
  5. And do not give their wealth to the mentally challenged (weak of mind)
    Over whom you have responsibility
    But feed and clothe them from it
    And speak to them the most kind words.
  6. And provide training to the orphans until they attain marriageable age
    And if you find sound competence in them
    Then return to them their wealth.
    And do not eat it up in extravagance
    And in a hurry (thinking that) they will grow up fast.
    And whoever is well to do, let him stay away from (the wealth of the orphans);
    And whoever is poor, let him use what is most reasonable.
    And take witnesses when you return their wealth to them.
    Indeed, Allah is sufficient to take accounts.
  7. For the men is a share from what the parents and the relatives leave behind,
    And for the women is a share from what the parents and the relatives leave behind,
    A small portion or large, according to what is specified.
  8. And if at the time of distribution
    The relatives and the orphans and the needy are present,
    Then give them a portion and speak to them the kindest words.
  9. And let them fear as they would fear
    If they left behind children who are weak (of young age).
    Therefore, be conscious of Allah and speak what is right.
  10. Lo! Those who eat up the wealth of orphans unjustly,
    They stuff not their stomachs but with fire
    And soon will they enter the blazing Fire.
  11. Allah commands you regarding your last will and testament for your children:
    For a son a share equal to that of two daughters,
    And if there are more than two daughters
    Then their portion from the estate is two thirds;
    And if there is only one then her share is a half.
    And for each of the parents a sixth of the estate if there are children.
    But if there are no children and the parents are the only inheritors
    Then the share of the mother is one third;
    If there are brothers and sisters (of the deceased)
    Then the mother’s share is a sixth after legacies or debts are paid.
    You do not know whether your parents or your children are closer to you
    And are of greater blessing.
    These portions are obligatory from Allah.
    Indeed, Allah is the Knower, the Wise.
  12. For you a half from what your wives leave behind if they do not have children
    If they have children then for you a quarter of what they leave behind
    After the legacies and debts are paid.
    And for them is a fourth from what you leave behind if you do not have children,
    And an eighth if you have children after the legacies and debts are paid.
    And if there is an estate of a man who has no parents or children
    Or a woman (who has no parents or children) but has a brother or a sister,
    Then the portion for each is a sixth.
    But if there are more than that (specified here)
    Then all of them an equal portion from a third of the estate
    After the legacies and debts are paid so that no one is left out.
    This is the ordinance from Allah.
    Indeed, Allah is the Knower, the Forbearing.
  13. These are the limits set by Allah.
    And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will enter the Gardens
    Beneath which flow streams (of Divine Grace)
    And they will dwell therein forever,
    And that is the great triumph.
  14. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and violates His limits
    Shall enter the Fire therein to dwell forever.
    And upon him shall be a disgraceful punishment.
  15. And for those of your women who are found guilty of immorality,
    Bring four witnesses against them from among yourselves,
    And if they bear witness then confine them to their homes for life
    Or until Allah finds for them a (better) way.
  16. And if two men from among you are found guilty of immorality,
    then punish them.
    Then if they repent and seek rehabilitation then leave them alone.
    Indeed, Allah is the Forgiver, Most Merciful.
  17. Indeed! Repentance before Allah is not except for those who err from ignorance,
    Then quickly repent.
    Then, these are the ones to whom Allah turns in forgiveness,
    And Allah is the Knower,the Wise.
  18. Repentance is not for those who persist in wrong doing until one faces death
    And (then) says: “Now I repent.”
    And it is not for those who die without faith.
    For such as these We have prepared a painful punishment.
  19. O you who have certainty of faith!
    It is not permissible that you forcibly become inheritors of women
    And do not force them to stay with you
    So that you can take back some of what you have given them
    Unless they are guilty of open immorality.
    And maintain a household with them in excellence.
    And if you detest them, it is possible you detest something
    While Allah has placed in it a boundless blessing.
  20. And if you have made a decision to change (divorce) a spouse for another (marry another),
    And (even) if you have given one of them a large fortune,
    Do not take back anything from it.
    Will you take it back with (false) allegations and obvious wrong?
  21. And how can you take it back when you have had marital relations with each other
    And they have taken from you a solemn contract?
  22. And do not marry women whom your fathers have married except what is past.
    Indeed it was abominable and loathsome and an evil custom.
  23. Prohibited to you are your mothers, and your daughters, and your sisters,
    And your father’s sisters, and your mother’s sisters,
    And your brother’s daughters, and your sister’s daughters,
    And your mothers who suckled you, and your foster sisters who shared your mother’s milk,
    And the mothers of your wives,
    And your step daughters who are under your care
    From your wives who you have had conjugal relations with,
    And if you have not conjugal relations with them, then it is not a sin,
    And the wives of your sons who are your descendants;
    And do not bring together (marry at the same time) two sisters except what is past.
    Lo! Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  24. (Forbidden) are married women
    Except those your right hand possesses (who are prisoners of war).
    (These are) the commandments of Allah for you.
    Permitted to you are others not mentioned here
    Provided you seek virtue with your wealth, not lust.
    For what pleasures you derive from their company, give them their marriage gift.
    That is the Divine law.
    It is no blame on you if you mutually agree about this matter after the obligation has been met
    (after the marriage gift has been settled).
    Indeed, Allah is the Knower, the Wise.
  25. And whoever among you does not have the ability to marry free believing women,
    (Let him) marry believing women
    From among the prisoners of war (who are under your protection).
    Allah is knowledgeable of your faith.
    You are of one another (men and women are all human beings with a common origin).
    Therefore, marry them with the permission of their protectors
    And give them their marriage gift in accordance with what is most generous -
    The chaste ones, not those who are lecherous or secret lovers.
    Once they are married, if they engage in immorality
    Then their punishment is half that of free women.
    That is for whoever among you is afraid of the burden (of falling into immoral sex).
    But if you are patient (in guarding your chastity) it is better.
    Indeed, Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  26. Allah desires to make it all clear to you
    And guide you regarding the ways of those before you
    And to forgive you.
    Indeed, Allah is the Knower, the Wise.
  27. And Allah desires to turn towards you
    but those who follow their vile desires want you to turn away and stray far away.
  28. Allah desires to lighten the burden on you, for humankind was created weak.
  29. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Do not squander your wealth among yourselves wrongfully
    But engage in trade with mutual consent,
    And do not fight among yourselves.
    Indeed, Allah is Most Merciful to you.
  30. And whoever does this maliciously and unjustly,
    Soon shall We throw him into the Fire.
    And that is easy for Allah.
  31. If you avoid the great sins that have been forbidden,
    We will cover up (forgive) your lesser sins
    And admit you to a (high) station of honor.
  32. Do not covet the honors that We bestow on some over the others–
    the men receive what they earn and the women receive what they earn.
    And ask of Allah from His blessings. Lo! Allah is the Knower of all things!
  33. And We have prescribed inheritors for everything
    That is left behind by the parents or close relatives.
    And with those you have made a contract,
    Give them their share. Lo! Allah is witness to all things!
  34. Men are the protectors of women because of the grace (bounties)
    That Allah has bestowed on some over the others
    And because they spend their wealth (as prescribed by Allah).
    Therefore, the virtuous women are responsible
    And guard in secret what Allah has guarded.
    As for those about whom you fear lewdness, (first) counsel them,
    Then stay away from them in bed,
    Then (if that fails) bring them out (before the judicial process),
    (please see note at the end of the Surah),
    And then if they follow your counsel (and desist from lewd conduct),
    Do not seek to make their path (of rehabilitation) difficult.
    Indeed, Allah is the Most High, the Supreme!
  35. And if you fear a split between them
    Then appoint an arbitrator from his family
    And an arbitrator from her family.
    If they desire to make peace,
    Then Allah will bring about reconciliation between them.
    Indeed, Allah is the Knower, the Aware!
  36. Worship (and serve) Allah and do not associate partners with Him;
    And serve your parents with excellent conduct,
    And (serve) the near ones and the orphans and the needy
    And (serve) the neighbors who are close and the neighbors who are strangers
    And (serve) the people who associate with you
    And the wayfarer
    And those who are under your protection (prisoners of war).
    Indeed, Allah does not love the boastful braggart.
  37. (And) those who are stingy and encourage people to be stingy
    And hide what Allah has bestowed on them by His grace,
    For such disbelievers We have prepared a disgraceful punishment.
  38. And for those who spend their wealth to show off among people
    But have no conviction of belief in Allah or the Last Day,
    And one whose companion is Satan – what an evil companion (he is)!
  39. What would they lose if they had believed in Allah and the Last Day
    And set aside something from the sustenance provided by Allah?
    Lo! Allah has full knowledge of them!
  40. Indeed, Allah does not commit excess as much as an atom’s worth;
    And if there is any good He augments it and adds from His bounty a great reward.
  41. Then, what will it be like when We call a witness from each of the communities
    And call you (O Muhammad) as a witness over them all?
  42. That Day those who disbelieve (in Allah) and disobey the Messenger
    Will long to see the earth back in order for them (they will be disoriented)
    And Allah will not hide anything that has been said.
  43. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Do not approach prayer while you are drunk until you understand what you recite,
    And while you are unclean except while you travel until you take a bath.
    And if you are sick or traveling or you return after relieving yourself
    Or you approach your wives and you cannot find water
    Then do the tayammum with clean earth
    And rub your faces and your hands with the earth.
    Indeed, Allah is the Pardoner, the Forgiver.
  44. Have you not seen those who received a portion of the Book
    (But) they traded it for error?
    Lo! They desire that you (too) stray from the right path.
  45. Lo! Allah has full knowledge of your enemies
    And Allah is sufficient as the Protector and is sufficient as the Helper.
  46. Some among the Jews change the Word from its place
    And (they) say: “We have heard and we do not obey;
    And hear without listening to Rai’na (our Shepherd).
    They twist their tongues to slander (your) faith.
    If they had said: “We listen and we obey,
    And hear and look at us (impart to us inner wisdom)”,
    It would have been better for them and more appropriate.
    Lo! Because of their disbelief,
    There is the condemnation of Allah upon them except on a few (who do believe).
  47. O you who have received the Book!
    Believe in what has been revealed from Us confirming what is with you
    Before We destroy your existence and relegate it to the past
    Or condemn them like we condemned the people (who broke the) Sabbath.
    Indeed, the decree of Allah shall come to pass.
  48. Lo! Allah does not forgive associating a partner with Him
    But (He) forgives, other than that, whom He will.
    And whoever associates partners with Allah,
    Has indeed invented the greatest of slanders.
  49. Have you not observed those who claim they are pure?
    No! It is Allah who purifies as He pleases,
    And not the least (not as much as the thread of a date palm) excess shall be committed on them.
  50. Observe how they ascribe a lie to Allah, and this is sufficient as an obvious sin.
  51. Have you not seen those who have received a portion of the Book?
    They  follow  sorcery and demons and say of the disbelievers
    That they (the disbelievers) follow a path of guidance
    More correct than the path of the believers
  52. Upon them is denunciation from Allah
    And whoever is denounced by Allah shall find no one to help him.
  53. Do they have a share in the Dominion (wealth and power)?
    If that is so, they will not share even a grain’s worth with (other) people.
  54. Do they envy people for what Allah has given them from His bounty?
    Then, behold! We gave the children of Abraham the Book and the Wisdom
    And granted him a magnificent dominion.
  55. Among them were some who had certainty of faith
    And some who turned away from it (and hindered others from it).
    And sufficient is the burning fire of Hell (for those who turn away)!
  56. Indeed, those who cover up Our Signs,
    Soon will We throw them into the Fire;
    When their skins are roasted,
    We shall replace it so that they taste the punishment (again and again).
    Indeed, Allah is Mighty, the Wise.
  57. And those who believe and perform righteous deeds,
    Soon shall We admit them to Gardens beneath which flow streams (of Divine Grace),
    Therein they shall dwell for ever,
    (And)For them are companions pure for them,
    And We shall provide them with shades restful
    (They will abide in the shadow of Divine Grace).
  58. Verily, Allah commands you that if you have a trust, return it to its owner;
    And when you judge between people, judge with justice.
    Indeed, Allah teaches with this (admonishing) what is good for you.
    Lo! Allah is the Hearer, the Beholder!
  59. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Obey Allah and obey the Messenger
    and (follow) those among you who are endowed with (spiritual) authority (directed spiritual energy),
    And if there is a dispute about anything,
    Refer it to Allah and the Messenger if you believe in Allah and the Last Day.
    That is of greater benefit and excellent in its results.
  60. Have you not observed those who proclaim loudly
    That they believe in what is revealed to you and what has been revealed before?
    They desire that you take your disputes to sorcery
    Even though they have been commanded to reject it;
    Indeed, Satan desires to mislead you to a wrong path, far away (from the right path).
  61. And when it is said to them:
    “Hearken towards what Allah has revealed and towards the Messenger”,
    You will see that the hypocrites stop and move away from you.
  62. Then, when the punishment reaches them
    Because of what they have sent before them with their own hands,
    They will come to you swearing by Allah:
    “We intended nothing but goodness and reconciliation”.
  63. These are the people – Allah knows what is in their hearts.
    So, be restrained with them and advise them
    And speak to them inspiring words for their own souls.
  64. Lo! We did not send any Messenger except to be followed as commanded by Allah.
    And, when they had oppressed their own souls,
    Had they come to you and asked for forgiveness from Allah,
    And had the Messenger prayed for their forgiveness,
    They would indeed have discovered
    The existential manifestation (coming into being) of Allah’s forgiveness and mercy.
  65. So, by your Rabb!
    They will not believe until you judge between them about what they disagree with among themselves,
    And accept your judgment without qualification from (the depths of) their souls,
    And willingly submit to it.
  66. And if we had ordered them:
    “slaughter your own egos or move out of your habitations (move out of your comfort zones)”,
    They would not have obeyed except a few among them.
    And indeed, it would have been better for them
    If they had obeyed what they were told;
    And it would be a tremendous reinforcement (for their souls).
  67. In that event We would certainly bestow on them from Our Presence a great reward.
  68. And We would indeed guide them to the straight path.
  69. Lo! Those who obey Allah and the Messenger,
    They are the people with whom is the bounty of Allah,
    As well as the Prophets and the Truthful ones
    And the Martyrs and the Righteous.
    And excellent they are as companions!
  70. That is the bounty from Allah and sufficient is He as the Knower.
  71. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Take your defensive gear with you
    And then step out singly or together (for defensive action).
  72. And indeed, among you is one who will drag his feet,
    And if you experience a misfortune, he will say:
    “Indeed, the blessings of Allah are upon me in that I did not become a martyr with them.”
  73. And if the bounty of Allah reaches you,
    He will definitely cry out – as if there was never any love between him and you -
    “Woe is to me! If I was with them then I would have been rewarded with a tremendous reward.”
  74. So, let those who exchange the life of this world for the hereafter fight in the cause of Allah.
    And whoever fights in the way of Allah and is martyred or captured,
    Soon We will bestow a great reward upon him.
  75. And will you not fight in the way of Allah
    And for the weak (downtrodden) among men and women and children who pray:
    “Our Sustainer! Take us away from this town whose inhabitants are oppressors
    And send us from Your presence a protector and grant us succor from Your presence.”
  76. Those who have certainty of faith fight in the path of Allah;
    Those who reject the Truth fight in the path of evil.
    Therefore, fight against the friends of Satan.
    Lo! Feeble is the deception of Satan!
  77. Did you not see to whom it was said:
    “Cover up your arms (stop fighting) and establish prayer and give charity?”
    Then, when they were (commanded) to fight,
    A group among them who were afraid of people
    As they should have feared Allah or perhaps even more, said:
    “Our Rabb! Why did You order us to fight?
    Why did You not give us respite for some more time?
    Say: The benefits of this world are few and the hereafter is better for the Allah-conscious,
    And not the least injustice shall be done to you.”
  78. Death shall reach you wherever you are, even if you are in reinforced fortresses.
    And when they receive some good fortune, they say: “This is from Allah.”
    And when they receive some misfortune, they say: “This is from you.”
    Say: “All affairs are from Allah.”
    So, what has happened to these people that they do not comprehend this matter?
  79. Whatever good happens to you (O humankind!) is from Allah;
    Whatever evil befalls you is from your own Ego.
    Behold! We have sent you as a Messenger for all humankind,
    And sufficient is Allah as a witness.
  80. Whoever obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah.
    And as for one who turns away, then (know that) We did not send you as his keeper.
  81. And they say: “We obey.”
    But when they leave your presence,
    A group among them plan by night against those who said (we obey).
    Lo! Allah records what they plan.
    Therefore, be circumspect about them and have trust in Allah.
    And sufficient is Allah as the Trustee.
  82. Then, do they not reflect on the Quran?
    Indeed, if it was from someone other than Allah,
    It would show up countless inconsistencies.
  83. When there comes to their attention any activity
    Whether it be peaceful or alarming, they advertise it;
    If (only) they had referred it to the Messenger
    Or to those among them endowed with authority,
    They would have learned who among them knew the facts.
    And behold! Were it not for the grace of Allah upon you and His Mercy,
    You would have followed Satan except a few (among you).
  84. So, fight in the path of Allah.
    You are burdened not except with your own soul.
    Therefore, convince the believers (to struggle).
    Soon will Allah bring to an end the hostilities started by the disbelievers.
    Lo! Allah is intense in combat and intense in His punishment!
  85. Whoever intervenes with a gracious intervention,
    There is a portion for him in it;
    And whoever intervenes with an evil intervention,
    There is a burden for him in it.
    And Allah has authority over all affairs.
  86. When you are greeted,
    Return the greetings with a salutation more gracious or the same.
    Indeed, Allah keeps account of all affairs.
  87. Allah is He, there is no god but He.
    Then He will indeed gather you all together on the Judgment Day -
    About it there is no doubt.
    And who is more truthful than Allah in what is said?
  88. So, what (has happened) to you regarding the hypocrites
    (That you are divided into) two parties?
    Behold! Allah has turned them upside down (made them dumb and blind)
    Because of what they have done.
    Do you wish to guide those whom Allah has led astray?
    Lo! Whom Allah has led astray, you shall not find him on the right path!
  89. They would love to see you disbelieve as they disbelieve
    So that you become like them.
    Therefore do not take them as your protectors
    Unless they move towards the path of Allah.
    Then if they turn against you (if they fight you),
    Surround them and fight them wherever you find their presence
    And take them not as your protectors, and not as (your) helpers.
  90. However, as for those who belong to a community (people) that has a treaty with you
    Or they come to you with their hearts tired of fighting you or fighting their own people –
    And were it the will of Allah to give them authority over you, they would (certainly) fight you –
    If they stay away from you, then do not fight them.
    And if they send you (a treaty) of peace,
    Then Allah has not provided you a path (to fight) against them
    (all excuses for hostilities against a people at peace with you are closed by decree of Allah).
  91. Now you will find some people who wish to stay at peace with you
    And at peace with their own people
    (But) they return to mischief whenever they are invited to it.
    So, if they do not leave you alone (if they continue to fight you)
    And do not offer you (a treaty) of security
    And do not cover up their arms (sheathe their weapons)
    Then seize them and fight them wherever you find them;
    These are the people against whom We have given you a clear argument.
  92. And it is not (permissible) for a believer to kill a believer except through error.
    And whoever kills a believer by error let him free a believing slave
    And send blood money to his relatives so that they may forgive him.
    And if (the slain person) was from the community that is your enemy and was a believer,
    Then free a believing slave;
    And if he was from a community (people) with whom you have a treaty of peace
    then send blood money to his relatives and free a believing slave;
    And if one does not have the means, then (let him) fast for two months continuously.
    This is expiation from Allah and Allah is the Knower, the Wise.
  93. And whoever kills a believer willingly, his recompense is Hell,
    Wherein he shall dwell forever
    And the wrath of Allah is upon him
    And so is His denunciation,
    And a great punishment has been prepared for him.
  94. O you who have certainty of faith!
    When you venture forth in the path of Allah, gather proper intelligence,
    And do not say to anyone
    Who greets you with a greeting of peace: “you are not a believer!”
    You desire rewards of the life of this world but with Allah are unlimited rewards.
    That is the way you were in earlier times,
    then Allah had (Mercy) on you;
    therefore gather all intelligence (beforehand).
    Lo! Allah knows what you do!
  95. Not equal are those who stay at home and the believers
    (Who go forth) without excuse and struggle in the path of Allah
    With their wealth and their souls.
    Allah bestows His grace upon those who struggle with their wealth and their souls,
    And honors them with higher (spiritual) stations over those who stay at home.
    Lo! Allah has made a promise of grace for all.
    And Allah bestows His grace upon those who struggle over those who stay behind,
    And awards them a reward supreme.
  96. (Spiritual) stations are from Him; so is forgiveness and mercy.
    Indeed, Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  97. Indeed, when the angels take the lives of those who oppress their own souls,
    They ask: “What situation were you in?”
    They reply: “We were helpless on earth.”
    (The angels) say: “Was not the earth wide enough for you to migrate therein?”
    So, for such as these, their destination is Hell,
    And a woeful destination it is!
  98. Except those who are powerless–
    The men and the women and the children
    Who do not have the ability to strategize and cannot find a way.
  99. Then, for such as these, there is hope for forgiveness from Allah.
    Lo! Allah is the Pardoner, the Forgiver.
  100. And whoever migrates in the path of Allah
    Will find limitless refuge in the wide expanse of the earth
    And whoever flees his home migrating for the sake of Allah and the Messenger
    and is overtaken by death,
    Then, verily his reward is established before Allah.
    Indeed, Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful!
  101. And when you travel through the earth,
    It is not wrongful on your part if you shorten your prayers
    Should you be afraid that the disbelievers will harass you.
    Indeed, the disbelievers are unto you open opponents.
  102. And when you are with them (O Muhammed),
    Then establish prayer with them.
    Let a party from them stand in prayer with you
    and let them take their arms.
    Then, when they have performed their sajda (prostration),
    Let them move behind you
    And let another party which has not yet offered salat (prayer), pray with you
    And let them take (precautions) for their protection
    And (let them take) their arms.
    Indeed, if the disbelievers see
    That you are heedless about your arms and your supplies,
    They may conduct a sudden raid on you.
    And it is not wrongful on your part if you are constrained because of rain
    Or if you are sick, for you to take down your arms,
    but take precautions for your safety.
    Indeed, Allah has prepared a dishonorable punishment for the disbelievers.
  103. When you have completed your prayer,
    Remember Allah while standing, sitting or lying down.
    And when you are satisfied (that the threat has passed)
    Then establish prayer (as prescribed for normal times).
    Indeed, prayer is mandatory at prescribed times on those who have certainty of faith.
  104. And do not be disheartened while pursuing the host (of oppressors).
    If you experience a hurt, then of a certainty a similar hurt smites them.
    And what you hope from Allah they do not hope for.
    Indeed, Allah is the Knower, the Wise.
  105. Lo! We have sent down upon you the Book with the Truth
    So that you can judge (establish justice) among humankind
    In accordance with what Allah has shown you
    And (so that you) do not become a support for the deceivers
    (a support for an unjust social order).
  106. And ask for forgiveness from Allah. Indeed, Allah is the Forgiver, Most Merciful.
  107. And do not argue with those who deceive their own Selves.
    Indeed, Allah does not love those who are deceitful sinners.
  108. They are secretive with people but they cannot hide from Allah;
    And He is with them when they discuss (plan) by night what (Allah) does not like.
    Behold! Allah surrounds (many times over) what they do!
  109. Yes indeed, these are the people for whom you pleaded during the life of this world.
    But then, who will plead for them on the Day of Judgment, or who will be their defender?
  110. And whoever does a wrongful act or commits excess on his own soul
    But then asks for forgiveness from Allah
    Will find that Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  111. And whoever commits a sin, commits it upon one’s own soul.
    Lo! Allah is the Knower, the Wise!
  112. And whoever commits a wrong or a sin,
    And then accuses someone else,
    Indeed has burdened (his own soul) with the accusation and a manifest sin.
  113. And were it not for the blessings of Allah upon you and His mercy,
    A group among them was determined to mislead you
    But they mislead not anyone but their own souls
    And they cannot harm you in the least.
    And Allah has sent down upon you the Book and the Wisdom
    And has taught you that of which you had no knowledge.
    Great indeed are the favors of Allah upon you!
  114. There is no goodness in a great many of their plans,
    Except when for one who enjoins charity or excellence (in conduct)
    Or brings about reconciliation among people.
    And whoever performs such acts to earn the pleasure of Allah,
    Then soon shall We give him a tremendous reward.
  115. And as for him who opposes the Messenger after he has received true guidance,
    And follows a path other than the one followed by those who have certainty of faith,
    We shall leave him to his ways and admit him to Hell.
    Lo! What an awful place to return to!
  116. Indeed, Allah does not forgive associating partners with Him,
    But forgives, as He will, any other (sin) except that;
    And whoever associates partners with Allah,
    Lo! (such a person) is lost far away on a wrong course.
  117. They do not call upon anyone except female (gods).
    Indeed, they call upon none but the rebellious Satan.
  118. Allah condemned him and he (Satan) said: “I will certainly claim a decreed share of your servants.
  119. Verily, I will incite them and entice them and command them,
    Then they will split the ears of cattle
    And I will teach them to alter that whicch is created by Allah.”
    And whoever has taken Satan as his protector in place of Allah
    Is indeed at a manifest loss upon loss.
  120. He (Satan) promises them and he gives them hope
    But the promises of Satan are but boastful deceptions.
  121. These are the people whose abode is Hell
    And they shall not find any escape from it.
  122. Those who have  certainty of faith
    And engage in noble action,
    We will soon admit them to Gardens beneath which flow streams (of Divine Grace),
    Therein to dwell forever.
    The promise of Allah is true.
    And who is truer in word than Allah?
  123. (Recompense is) not according to your wishes
    And not according to the wishes of the people of the Book.
    Whoever does a wrong shall earn his recompense
    And will not find a protector or a helper besides Allah.
  124. And whoever performs righteous deeds, man or woman,
    And has certainty of faith,
    It is such as these who will enter the Garden and not suffer injustice,
    (Not even) as much as a dot on a date stone.
  125. And whose faith is superior to that of one who has surrendered his existence to Allah
    And is a person of the most noble character
    And is a follower of the spiritual community of Abraham theHanif (disposed to the right faith)?
    Behold! Allah has made Abraham a friend!
  126. Lo! To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth
    And indeed, Allah completely surrounds all things.
  127. And they ask you about women.
    Say: “Allah has guided you regarding them.
    So, (follow) what has been narrated to you in the Book regarding orphans of women,
    Whose prescribed marriage gift you do not give,
    But whom you wish to marry (nonetheless),
    And (regarding) the helpless children.
    And stand firmly for justice for the orphans.
    And whatever good you do, (know that) indeed Allah is the Knower of it.”
  128. And if a woman fears abuse from her husband or neglect,
    There is no blame on her if the two of them seek reconciliation between themselves.
    Indeed, there is excellence in reconciliation.
    And there is present in every soul an idiosyncrasy.
    And if you perform excellent deeds
    And are conscious of the presence of Allah,
    Then verily Allah is aware of what you do!
  129. And you will not be able to do justice between women even if you ardently so desire.
    But do not lean to one so as to leave another one dangling.
    But if you reconcile between yourselves and are Allah-conscious,
    Verily Allah is the Forgiver, the Merciful.
  130. And should they separate,
    Allah will make each one self-reliant from His bounties.
    Indeed, Allah is Boundless (in His Grace), the Wise.
  131. And to Allah belongs what is in the heavens and what is on earth.
    And behold! We have admonished the people of the Book before Your times
    And (We have admonished) you to be Allah-conscious.
    And if you reject it,
    Then indeed to Allah belongs what is in the heavens and what is on earth,
    And indeed Allah is the Self-sufficient, the Praiseworthy.
  132. Lo! To Allah belongs what is in the heavens and what is on earth
    And sufficient is Allah as the Trustee.
  133. If He wills it, He will destroy you, O humankind!
    And create some other (species), and Allah has that Power.
  134. Whoever asks for a reward in this life
    Will find that the reward in this life as well as the hereafter is with Allah.
    Lo! Allah is the Hearer, the Seer.
  135. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Be upholders of justice as witnesses before Allah
    Even if it be against your own Selves
    Or your parents
    Or those near to you
    Whether it be rich or poor,
    For Allah wills goodness for both.
    And follow not your desires, if you are just.
    And if you hold back your tongue or excuse yourself,
    then (know that) Allah is indeed aware of what you do.
  136. O you who have certainty of faith!
    Believe in Allah and the Messenger and the Book that has been revealed to your Messenger
    And the Book that was revealed before your times.
    Whoever rejects Allah
    And the Angels and the Books and the Messengers and the Day of Judgment
    Is indeed lost far away on a wrong path.
  137. Those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe (again), then reject it,
    Then cover themselves deeper in disbelief,
    Will not find forgiveness from Allah
    And He will not show them the way.
  138. Give the tidings to the hypocrites
    That there is painful punishment (awaiting) them.
  139. Those who take the disbelievers as their protectors instead of the believers -
    Do they expect honor from them?
    Lo! All honor is from Allah.
  140. Verily, it has been revealed to you in the Book
    That when you hear the Signs of Allah rejected or ridiculed,
    You move away from them unless they change the conversation.
    Or else, you will take on their character.
    Indeed, Allah will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers together in Hell.
  141. (Regarding) those who wait for your return (from a campaign):
    If you are successful by (the grace) of Allah, they say:
    “Were we not with you?”
    And if the disbelievers prevail, they say:
    “Did we not have authority over you and did we not warn you against the believers?”
    So, Allah will decide between them on the Judgment Day,
    And Allah will not facilitate a way for the disbelievers (to prevail) over the believers.
  142. Lo! The hypocrites seek to deceive Allah
    And He throws back their deception at them.
    And when they stand up for prayer,
    they stand sluggish with indifference to show themselves off to people,
    And they do not remember Allah except a little.
  143. They are torn in between, neither with these nor with those.
    Indeed, one for whom Allah closes the way will not find the way.
  144. O you who believe with certainty!
    Do not take the disbelievers as your protectors over those who have certainty of faith.
    Or, do you wish to provide Allah with incontrovertible evidence against you?
  145. Lo! The hypocrites shall occupy the lowest station in the Fire
    And they shall find none to help them.
  146. Except such as those who repent and seek to make amends
    And hold on firmly to Allah and purify their faith in Allah,
    In that case, they are with those who have certainty of faith.
    And soon will Allah give the believers a reward most magnanimous.
  147. What will Allah do with your punishment
    (Of what use is your punishment to Allah?) if you are thankful and have certainty of faith?
    And Allah is the Appreciator (of gratitude), the Knower.
  148. Allah does not like an open conversation about evil except about one who has been oppressed.
    Indeed, Allah is the Hearer, the Knower.
  149. Whether you reveal a good (deed) or hide it or forgive a wrong,
    Indeed Allah is the Forgiver, the Enforcer.
  150. Indeed, those who do not believe in Allah and His messengers
    And wish to differentiate between Allah and His messengers
    And say: ” We believe in some of them but do not accept others”,
    And desire to find a way in between.
  151. They are in truth disbelievers,
    And We have prepared for the disbelievers a disgraceful punishment.
  152. Those who have certainty of faith in Allah and the Messengers
    And make no distinction between any one of them,
    It is they who will soon receive their reward.
    Lo! Allah is the Forgiver, Merciful.
  153. The people of the Book ask you to bring down a book for them from the heavens.
    Indeed, they asked Moses something greater than that. T
    hey said: “Show Allah to us openly.”
    There came down a flash of lightning upon them because of their excesses.
    Then they took the (golden) calf (for worship) even after the Signs came to them.
    Even so, We forgave them for that (transgression)
    And bestowed upon Moses a manifest authority.
  154. And We raised Mount Sinai high above them to take a covenant from them.
    And We said to them: “Enter this door prostrating (enter this relationship with deep humility).”
    And We said to them: “Do not violate the Sabbath”.
    And We took from them a covenant irrefutable.
  155. And because they broke their covenant and rejected the Signs of Allah
    And slaughtered the Prophets in violation of justice and they said:
    “our hearts are protected by a veil”,
    Allah sealed their hearts with their unbelief.
    They have no conviction of faith except a few (among them).
  156. And because of their unbelief and their utterance and gross insinuations against Mary.
  157. And their boast: “We did indeed kill the Messenger of Allah, Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary”;
    But they killed him not
    And they crucified him not but his likeness
    B those who differ therein have doubts about it.
    No knowledge do they have except to follow a conjecture.
    Lo! of a certainty, they killed him not.
  158. No! Allah raised him up unto Himself.
    Indeed, Allah is the Mighty, the Wise.
  159. And there is none from the people of the Book
    Who will believe in it (the ascension of Jesus) before his death
    And he (Jesus) will be a witness against them on the Judgment Day.
  160. Because of the excesses of the Jews
    And their unrelenting obstruction to the path of Allah,
    We forbade them what was hitherto permissible.
  161. And they engaged in usury even though it was forbidden to them
    And they consumed the wealth of people wrongfully.
    Lo! We have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful punishment.
  162. However, those among them who are sound of knowledge,
    And the believers (among them) who believe with conviction in what has been revealed to you
    And what was revealed to those before you,
    And who establish prayer
    And give the poor due,
    And believe in Allah and the Last Day,
    To them We will soon give a great reward.
  163. Indeed, We have revealed (the Book) to you,
    As We revealed it to Noah and the Prophets after him;
    And as we revealed it to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and his children,
    And Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon;
    And to David We gave the Psalms.
  164. And (We sent) Messengers about whom we have told you earlier,
    And (We sent) Messengers about whom we have not told you;
    And Allah spoke to Moses (directly) – spoke to him His own Words.
  165. Messengers who gave the glad tidings and who gave warnings
    So that after them there would be no argument among humankind about Allah.
    And Allah is the Mighty, the Wise!
  166. Lo! Allah bears witness, so do the Angels that what is revealed to you is from His knowledge;
    And sufficient is Allah as a witness.
  167. Indeed, those who hide the Truth and prevent (humankind) from the path of Allah
    Have indeed strayed far away on the wrong path.
  168. Indeed, for those who cover up the Truth and transgress -
    No forgiveness is there for them from Allah,
    And He will not guide them to the process (leading to Divine Presence).
  169. But (they will follow) the process leading to Hell,
    Therein they will dwell forever,
    And that is easy for Allah.
  170. O humankind! Verily, there has come to you a Messenger with the Truth from your Sustainer.
    So believe (in his message) and it is good for you.
    And if you reject (him),
    Then (know that) indeed, to Allah belongs what is in the heavens and the earth,
    And Allah is the Knower, the Wise.
  171. O people of the Book!
    Do not exceed the limits in matters of faith
    And do not ascribe to Allah except the Truth.
    Indeed, Jesus the Messiah, son of Mary was no more than a Messenger of Allah and His Word.
    He was infused into Mary and (anointed by) His Spirit.
    Therefore, believe in Allah and His Messenger and do not claim a Trinity.
    It is better for you if you refrain from it.
    Indeed, there is no deity but Allah, the One.
    Immaculate is He for Him to have a son.
    To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and on earth.
    And sufficient is Allah as the Trustee.
  172. The Messiah is not in the least disinclined to the service of Allah,
    Neither are the Angels who are close to Him.
    And those who are disinclined to be His servants and are haughty
    Will be gathered together on the Day of Reckoning.
  173. Then, those who have certainty of faith and engage in righteous action
    Shall have their recompense completed and augmented by His grace;
    And upon those who rejected (servant hood) and were haughty
    There will be a painful punishment,
    And there will be none to protect them or help them but Allah.
  174. O humankind! Verily, there has come to you an illuminated Proof from your Rabb
    And We have sent down to you a manifest Light.
  175. Then, those who have the conviction of belief in Allah
    And firmly hold onto Him
    Will soon be admitted to His grace and His bounty
    And He will guide them to the right path towards Himself.
  176. They ask you for a pronouncement.
    Say: “Allah commands you thus about those who die without heirs:
    If the dead man has no children but has a sister,
    Her share is a half of what was left behind (as inheritance)
    And he is her inheritor if she does not have any children;
    And if there are two sisters their share is two thirds of what was left behind;
    And if there are brothers and sisters then to each man a share equal to twice that of a woman.
    Allah makes things clear so that you are not misled.
    Lo! Allah is the Knower of all things.
Notes on Ayah 34: The Quranic word “daraba” has a wide variety of meanings: to bring out (in discourse), to put forth (in logic), to extract (in mathematics), to travel (in geography), to draw (in sociology), to beat or strike (in common usage). Whereas most English translations have rendered “daraba” in this Ayah as “beat”, we have translated it as “bring out”, as it is consistent with the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): “Never beat Allah’s handmaidens (Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, in a chain of transmission leading to Umm Kulthum (R), quoted by Muhammed Asad)”.
Also, the word “faddal”, meaning grace, bounty, and felicity applies to both men and women. While some men may have more “strength”, most women have more “grace”. So the phrase “some over the others” in this Ayah is reciprocal between men and women. Allah bestows as He will , on whom He will !

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